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Evan laid on the ground, sighing miserably.

Upon hearing footsteps, Evans ears pricked and he scrambled back under the bed, trembling a bit as he waited to see Peter.

Peter never came.

Instead, Evan saw four different pairs of feet. Two smelled unfamiliar, three others...

Evan perked a bit, tilting his head and he heard a very similar voice,

"What in the goddamn torture chamber..." Deans voice came, walking around. Derek's voice came as a response,

"My Uncle is a weirdo, haven't you noticed?"

Evan yipped, squirming out from under the bed and rushing over to the bars, yipping frantically.

Derek and Dean stared at him, eyes wide,

"Is that...a fox?" A man with bright hair asked and Evan whined, pawing at the bars.

Derek knelt slowly, staring at Evan who stared back, lowering his head a bit and whimpering.

"...Evan?" Derek whispered and Evan perked, his tail wagging happily and he yipped.

"Oh holy..." A large muscular man said, staring. Dean looked pissed,

"When I see your fucking Uncle I am going to take a large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane and shove it-"

Evan yipped at Dean, pawing at the bars. Dean sighed and knelt, sticking his hands through the bars, starting to pet Evan who pressed into his friends touch happily.

He could vaguely hear Raif talking to the larger man before he heard screeching metal and he looked over with wide eyes, the bars having been bent open and Evan perked, jumping through and immediately leaping at Derek who fell back with a grunt.

"I missed you too" Derek said, sounding like he may cry and Evan licked his cheek gently, nuzzling under his chin.

"Can he turn back?" Bright haired man asked Raif as he nuzzled at Derek while Dean pet him,

Raif nodded, "Yes...far as I can tell, he's a werefox"

"...Those exist?" Dean asked, staring at Raif who nodded again,

"Yes, rarer and usually created through magic instead...but yes"

"...Weird" Dean muttered.

"This is touching"

The group turned, staring at Peter who leaned against the wall, waving at them,

"Hello there...breaking and entering is rude you know?"

"So is kidnapping!" Dean snapped and Derek had gone a concerning shade of pale.

Peter just shrugged, "He's better like this...don't you agree nephew?"

"...No" Derek said, sitting up and Peter grinned maliciously, stepping forward only to have Evan leap in front of Derek and Dean, growling at Peter ferociously.

Peter stopped, staring at Evan,

"You little shit" He growled, "Out of my way!"

Evan yipped at Peter again before snapping his teeth, Peter snarling and kicking Evan aside who yelped, going to step towards him which was cut off by a dull thunk as Dean whacked him with a pipe.

"Get out of here!" Dean yelled at the others, gripping the pipe tightly as Zach scooped Evan into his arms. Awsten, Zach and Raif leaving with Evan as Peter got up, rolling his shoulders and glaring at Dean with yellow eyes,

"You wanna play like that?" He asked calmly, "fine...let's play"

Dean grit his teeth, a loud growl coming from beside him and he looked over to see Derek. Also with yellow eyes, sharp teeth and claws.

Dean looked back to Peter, nodding to him, swallowing heavily,

"C'mon then".

((Can't write fight scenes for shit so next chapter will be fun))

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