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"Do you have a rut?" Evan asked one day, tossing a berry in the air and catching it in his mouth. Derek stared at him like he'd just shot a pigeon in front of him.

"I-What?" Derek asked and Evan shrugged,

"Do you have a rut? Mating season"

"Why do you need to know?!"

Evan giggled at how scandalized Derek sounded, moving so he was in Derek's lap instead.

"Because...I'm curious about how my wolfy boyfriend works"

Derek looks like he's gonna protest until Evan reaches up, scratching a spot on Derek's jaw under his ear lobe that makes him whine instead.

"Twice a year...every six months" Derek eventually says and Evan grins,

"Can I spend one with you?"

"We haven't even had regular sex and you want to spend rut with me?"

Evan bats his eyelashes at Derek who stares at him before bitch facing,

"Is this your way of telling me you'd like to have sex?"


"There's easier ways"

Evan gives a half assed shrug but jumps when he feels Derek's large hands cup his ass through his pants. Placing his hands on Derek's pecs instead.

Evan grins at Derek who leans in to kiss him. They kiss for a bit, until Evan needs to pull back for air and he giggles at Dereks sharp teeth.

"What big teeth you have Mr Wolf..."

Derek rolls his eyes, picking Evan up easily. The human wrapping his legs around Dereks waist while his arms go around his neck,

"C'mon you dork"

Evan buries his face into Dereks shoulder as they go to Derek's bedroom. Grinning to himself.


Evan wakes up somewhere that he doesn't recognize.

It takes about five minutes to deduct he's in some kind of...weird jail cell. There's a room outside the cell lit by a dusty bulb giving a warm orange glow. A wooden table with stuff Evan can't even begin to understand what the hell it is on it and a man...who seems very familiar, reading a book.

"Morning sleeping beauty" the man says with a wave when he notices Evans awake, placing the book down.

Evan stares, "who the hell are you?!"

"I think you know" the man says, grinning at Evan who squints at him.

"...You're Dereks uncle" Evan says, eyes going wide and Peter snaps his fingers.

"Bingo baby"

"Why am I here?!"

Peter shrugged, "You know Derek, you're his mate..."

Evan scowls, "You have no evidence I am his...whatever"

"You reek of him and are wearing his hoodie"

Evan pales. Peter laughs.

"How did I even get here?" Evan asks, not taking his eyes from Peter who moves to the table.

"Oh don't worry...Derek didn't give you up, even if he did agree with my views he's always been...ah what's the word...touchy? If I had even suggested hurting you, my top half would be in New York, lower half in California"

Peter chuckles. Evan is still scared as the man continues,

"Nah...think you left his apartment this morning? Was easy to follow you, sorry for knocking you out cold but...it needs to be done"

"What does?" Evan demanded, eyes widening as Peter took another book and opened it,

"You're human"


Peters eyes flash, look up at Evan and his lip curls,

"And...humans aren't fit for wolves, I'm doing this for your benefit"


Peter growls like he's annoyed, snaps the book he's holding shut before placing it on the shelf and grabbing another.

"Humans have hated and hunted werewolves for centuries...hell, almost everything has! We smell, we kill, we mind our own goddamn business..."

Peter scowled, shaking his head. Evan cleared his throat,

"It...sucks but I really don't think the way to get people to listen to you is by...whatever you're planning"

"You ain't gonna stop me...nephews mate or not, now...here we go, this should work"

Peter heads over closer to the bars. Evan tries scrambling away but he can only go so far. His body starting to feel warmer and warmer as Peter chants in some language he's never heard before.

The heat and pain in his bones is nearly unbearable by the time Peter finishes, closing the book and smiling at Evan brightly like he didn't just do some weird magic shit to him.

"Well, that should work...I'll be back soon to check on you"

Evan opens his mouth to yell at Peter but all that comes out is a sharp yip.

He slaps a hand over his mouth only to stare in horror as pitch black is slowly creeping up his fingers to his hand and forearm...on both his arms.

Peter laughs at that,

"See you later...little fox"

Peter leaves. Shutting the door and Evan curls on the floor, whining in pain as his body changes.

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