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Derek had hated moving to Beacon Hills. 

He had hated how much his creepy Uncle Peter could control his life, just because Derek didn't want to die didn't mean he wasn't a good alpha. Hell, if anything, he didn't want his pack torn apart by his Uncle all because the older man had a homicide boner. 

He'd told Raif that he would be taking a walk to check the town out, maybe there would be a playground for Yosef and Wally. 

He'd grabbed his jacket and left quickly before Raif could scold him too much. He'd left and walked to town, stopping in front of a store when he smelled something that made his head swim. 

It smelled simple. Like vanilla and cinnamon spice, it reminded Derek of Christmas and before he could have taken another step on the sidewalk, he had pushed open the door to the store and headed inside where the scent grew thicker. 

Derek almost groaned, following the scent to the desk where there was a man his age if not a little younger. He had fluffy brown hair and dark eyes and reeked of the scent...in a good way that made Derek want to hold the man and breathe in the sweet scent. 

The man looked over at him and bit his lip, Derek thought his eyes grew wide but that could be his imagination. 

"Hello?" The man asked and Derek smiled, 

"Hey, I'm new in town" 

"Nice to meet you then. I'm Evan" The man said, offering a hand and Derek took it, 

"I'm Derek Hale" he responded, staring at Evan's eyes as he shook his hand and tucked it back into his pocket, "any good books?" 

"...The horror section is pretty good" Evan said softly and Derek nodded, walking away with his head swimming and his stomach tied into knots. He'd just met his mate and by the look on the others face, human or not, he knew it too. 

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