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"That's my Uncle's house" Derek said softly as Raif pulled up to it.

"House or fucking military base?" Dean asked, staring at the place, "shit has a metal door!"

"It'll be fine" Zach said softly, he hadn't relaxed since he got into the jeep and Dean somewhat felt bad but he missed Evan more.

The group stayed quiet. Watching until Peter finally left the house and got in his car, driving off.

The group then left the jeep. Dean being quiet, hands shaking. Derek looked ready to chase Peters car to attack him, Raif looked calm, Zach looked anxious and Awsten was rubbing Zach's shoulder.

Once they got to the door. Zach stepped up to it, pressing his hand against it a few times before he rammed his whole body weight into it then kicked it open.

Dean blinked, "remind me not to get into a bar fight with this guy..." he mumbled to Raif who looked amused, just heading inside.

Derek looked around, sighing,
"...he's in here, I can tell"

"Just gotta find where huh?" Dean asked and Derek turned to look at him,

"Yea, exactly" he said with a nod, heading off to look. Dean headed off with him. The two seemingly having an unspoken agreement they'd find and save Evan.

No matter what.

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