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Evan waited for Derek for what felt like forever but really the man must have come over around maybe 11:30am.

He opened the door and they had hugged, Derek had hugged him back but felt a bit stiff.

That was when Evan really started to worry.

"Are you okay?" Evan asked as they sat on the couch, "you're not like breaking up with me are you?"

"No" Derek said, sitting down and sighing, "I...you may actually break up with me"

Evan raised an eyebrow, urging Derek to continue and the other man swallowed heavily but nodded,

"Okay so...I've...been hiding something from you...it's important"

Evan twisted his lips, "...Are you a serial killer?"

"Wh-No Evan"

"A second family?"

"Also no"

"You're secretly the crown prince of Switzerland?"

"I'm a werewolf"

The words hit Evan like a punch in the stomach. He stared at Derek who just stared back.

It almost felt...like a joke? Werewolves didn't exist. It was all just spooky Halloween stories and horror movies.

Evans lips twitched a bit with the effort of smiling and possibly laughing but upon seeing how serious Derek looked, it went away.

"...You really aren't pulling my leg?" Evan asked hesitantly and Derek shook his head,

"I'm not"

Evan swallowed heavily. The two falling silent as they stared at each other once more until Derek finally broke it.

"...You can ask anything you'd like, it's the least I can do after keeping it from you for so long" Derek said, his voice a soft rumble and Evan nodded,

"Okay...okay uh-does silver and wolfsbane actually work?"

"Silver jewelry and such burns us, silver bullets can kill, wolfsbane just makes us extremely sick"

"You turn on full moons?"

"Yea...can also do whenever we want and when extreme anger takes over"

Evan nodded, his next question coming out a bit quieter,

"...Why'd you keep it from me?"

Derek sighed heavily, "My Uncle"

Evan tilted his head, Derek continued though he looked as though he was almost forcing himself,

"...I...my Uncle Peter basically had a hand in killing my whole family, tried killing me...think he's tryna finish the job but if he finds out about you, about how much I care about you.."

Derek swallowed heavily. Evan sighed and gently placed a hand on Derek's cheek, making the other man look at him in the eye,

"...Guess I should stock up on wolfsbane" Evan said with a weak smile and Derek looked nervous,

"Evan you don't need to stay with me if-"

"I just found out my extremely hot boyfriend is a werewolf, I'm staying"

Derek chuckled a bit at that, Evan leaning forwards and pressing their lips together gently.

It wasn't heated in any way. It was more comforting. Evan holding Derek's cheek in his hand and Derek's hand on Evans waist.

They pulled away eventually, Derek smiling at Evan who grinned back,

"...Deans gonna lose his damn marbles"

"Yea probably-"

"He saw you turn"

Derek went a bit pale, Evan laughed,

"Didn't believe him but uh...yea, now I do"

Derek seemed to calm again at that and pulled Evan to cuddle, the man laying against Derek's chest and Evan sighed contently.

"...Hey Derek?"


"...If I threw a stick-"

"No Evan"


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