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Evan hummed as he placed books on the shelves. Swaying a bit though he knew it was a bad idea on a ladder. 

He heard the doors bell ding and he climbed down, heading to the front desk where he paused. 

There was a man standing there, dark hair and darker eyes that sort of reminded Evan of Derek in a weird way but he got...very bad vibes from the man. He felt sick just looking at the other who grinned wolfishly at him. 

"Hello, you're the owner?"

"I am" Evan said hesitantly and the man nodded, 

"I see, I'm Peter" He said, extending a hand to Evan who shook it slowly. Peter retracting his hand afterwards and letting it fall to his side. 

"You new in town?" Evan asked politely and Peter shook his head, 

"Nah, just...visiting family" he said and chuckled, Evan smiling back though he knew it looked forced, "decided to look around town" 

"Well feel free to look around much as you'd like" Evan said and Peter waved his hand, 

"Just felt like taking a gander, thank you very much" he said and walked outside again. Evan waited until he was gone before he headed to the back, he felt like he needed to call Derek about the interaction, he felt a pull to do so. 

It was fuckin weird. 


Peter headed outside, heading down an alley and leaning against the wall, taking a deep inhale of his hand, getting the mans scent. He knew he was Derek's mate, he could pratically smell the bastard all over the other. 

Grinning, Peter moved his hand down, heading off again. He knew how to hit Derek where it hurt...and oh boy he'd take advantage of that. 

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