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Evan leaned against the counter again. Humming to himself while drumming his fingers on the wood.

Dean was beside him, the man had practically demanded coming to see if Derek would show up. Evan found it stupid but there was no convincing Dean otherwise.

"He's not gonna come Dean" Evan said, tapping his nail against the counter and Dean scowled,


Before Dean could have finished, the door opened and Derek walked in. Evan perked up a little bit but then shrunk back when he saw the glare Dean was giving the man.

Luckily, Derek didn't seem too intimidated by Dean and walked right by him, coming up to Evan,

"Hello again" Derek said with a smile and Evan couldn't help but smile back,

"Hey Derek, this is my friend Dean"

Derek looked back at Dean who was glaring at him like he'd just seen Derek kick a puppy before blending up a baby. Derek raised an eyebrow,

"A pleasure I'm sure"

Dean curled a lip at Derek who just looked back at Evan, the man seeming to grow more nervous,

"So uh...can...can I get your number?"

Evan was a bit shocked. No one had ever really asked him for his number before but he found himself nodding,

"Sure Derek, can I see your phone?"

Derek handed over his phone opened to the contacts app, putting his number in, Evan handed the phone back over to Derek.

"There you go...anything else I can help you with?"

"No...I should be good" Derek said, smiling at Evan, "I'll see you and eyebrows later"

With that, Derek left. Dean seemed furious,

"He's calling me eyebrows?!" Dean growled, "look at his!"

"Calm down Dean" Evan said, grabbing a stack of books and heading off to stack them. Dean followed him,

"What he thinks he can just come to town and ask anyone out?"

"I don't think that's what he's doing Dean" Evan said patiently, "he seems nice"

Dean rolled his eyes, grumbling under his breath and Evan didn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what name his friend had muttered.

"Look Dean, I'm a big boy, I can handle myself...I promise" Evan said, looking back at his friend who seemed hesitant,

"Mm...fine, but I don't trust him"

"Never asked you to" Evan said, turning back to the books and he heard Dean walk off, probably to get lunch.

Evan hesitated before shaking his head. Derek didn't seem like an asshole, he seemed kind though Evan didn't know him too well to tell.

He definitely hoped it wouldn't be like Daryl however.

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