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((TW: Shit fight scene, Derek kills Peter but not graphic, Mentions a fire))

Dean had never wished he wasn't human before this moment.

Peter was a hell of a fighter. Derek would try and distract Peter by attacking him. Peter would simply tear at Derek, flinging him aside before continuing to attack Dean.

Dean tried to remember exactly who he was fighting for.

He was fighting for Evan, one of his best friends. He was fighting for Derek who Evan adored and would be crushed to see hurt...or dead.

As Derek had said, he was fighting for all of humanity.

No pressure!

"For a human, you're very hard to fucking kill" Peter snarled, his eyes blazing as he stared at Dean who was panting heavily, his mouth felt like cotton,

"Thanks" he said, wiping blood and sweat from his face, Peter scoffed,

"Wasn't a compliment"

"Taking it as one"

Peter curled his lip, "I can see why Derek hangs around you" he said cooly, looking back at his nephew who looked equally as pissed, bloody and tired but adrenaline fuelled as Dean.

"He's a friend" Derek snapped at Peter who barked a laugh,

"That's your issue nephew, you always did see the good in people"

Peter turned more towards Derek, Dean tightened his grip on the pipe,

"Wonder if you see the good in me..." he growled softly,
"Having burnt your family home down"

Peter fell to the ground after, Dean having put all his remaining strength into it. At that, Derek leaped onto his Uncle as he was dazed and down, Dean squeezed his eyes shut but he would never be able to get the crunch nor the gurgling from his memory.

Eventually, he felt a large hand on his shoulder, opening his eyes and staring at Derek who's mouth and teeth were bloody, he looked tired but he smiled weakly.


Dean nodded, suddenly exhausted, "Yea" he croaked, "you too"

The two helped each other upstairs and outside to Raif's jeep. Derek stopped suddenly at the pathway and Dean looked back,

"You okay?"

"Yea...you go ahead okay?"

Dean nodded, heading to the jeep and climbing in where he was tackle hugged as gently as possible by a now human Evan.

He was slightly skinnier, he looked exhausted...but it was Evan.

Dean sobbed lightly, hugging his friend back tightly.

No one said anything. Derek eventually coming back and climbing in silently on the other side of Evan.

They drove off just as quiet. Evan sandwiched between his best friend and his boyfriend. Playing dumb to the burning house of Peter Hale behind them.

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