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Dean sat across from Derek and Evan. Evan was cuddled into Derek's side and the man had an arm wrapped around Evan which made Evan beam. It made Dean happy seeing Evan so happy but he did not trust Derek. 

"Dinner" Raif said, snapping Dean out of his thoughts and he grumbled but got up with the rest of them, heading to the dining room. 

Dinner was chicken, mac & cheese and Brussel sprouts. Dean picked at it as he watched Derek closely. Evan seemed to be entertaining the two kids who Dean believed were called Yosef and Wally. 

"How long have you lived here?" Raif asked, looking between Dean and Evan, 

"Since we were kids" Evan said, smiling a bit, "You guys are new to the area right?" 

"Yea, we move around a lot" Derek said, "for uh...work and stuff" 

Dean raised an eyebrow. He didn't believe that for a goddamn second. 

"Well it's nice here, you two will like it" Evan said and Dean curled his lip a bit but kept quiet.

"Thank you" Raif said, looking at Dean and giving a small, warm smile that made Dean's heart pulse weirdly, "you two are very kind" 

"We try" Evan said and he finished his food, Dean looking at Derek, 

"Can we talk? Privately?" 

"Uhh...Sure man" Derek said and got up, Dean getting up and heading off with Derek following him. 


Dean shut the door, glaring at Derek, 

"I know what you are" 

Derek raised an eyebrow, "What I am? What-" 

"Don't fuckin play dumb, you're a werewolf, you could hurt Evan" 

"A blender could, a dedicated duck could, I'm not special" 

"Don't be a smartass!" Dean snarled, "If I catch wind that you hurt Evan, I will hunt you down and kill you" 

Derek looked a bit distraught, "I don't...I would never hurt Evan" 

Dean narrowed his eyes, "I'm fuckin watching you" 

Derek rolled his eyes, Dean huffed and left the room quickly. He wanted to go home already. 

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