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Derek headed back home to the pack house. Almost immediately getting tackled by two balls of fluff.

"Hey Yosef, Hey Wally" Derek smiled, petting the pups before he heard Raif shooing his sons away, the pups whining but obediently running off, their claws making clacking noises against the hardwood.

"So?" Raif asked, raising an eyebrow, "you chicken out?"

"No I didn't chicken out, I got his number" Derek said, "and I intend on messaging him"

"I'll be going through your phone to see if that's true" Raif joked and walked off, Derek rolled his eyes and called after him,

"Alright dad!" He shouted and heard Raif chuckle. Derek smiled and headed off to his room.

He stared at his phone for a while before opening it and actually messaging Evan,

>Hey, it's Derek

Derek face palmed. He was a grown ass man and he was acting like a teenager in love. Well...what teenagers considered love.

<Hey Derek! It's Evan

>Oh cool you didn't give me a fake number.

<Nah, I actually kinda like you

Derek's cheeks heated up at that,

>So, do you want to go on a date?

It took nearly ten minutes for the next reply.

<Sure! What and where?

Derek and Evan stayed up late. They'd decided on a movie and dinner. Kinda cliche but whatever.

Evan eventually announced he was going to bed, sending Derek a little "<3" before not responding anymore and Derek stared at the heart.

Putting his phone on the side table, he shook his head and buried his face into the pillows. He hoped he wouldn't fuck this up.

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