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Evan yawned as he leaned against the counter of his book store. Books were piled high on shelves and comfortable looking chairs were in between them. 

He'd owned the bookshop since he'd gotten out of college, it was fun owning one but it was also rather boring as people rarely came in and when they did, they were usually older. 

The bell to the door rang and Evan looked up. His eyes growing wide when he saw who came in.

It was a man. Maybe a few years older than him with stubble covering his jaw and thick dark hair. He wore a leather jacket and a white shirt over broad shoulders and Evan bit his lip so hard it almost bled. 

"Hello?" Evan asked finally and the man looked over, staring at Evan maybe a little too long for comfort before he smiled, baring the whitest teeth Evan had ever seen. 

"Hey, I'm new in town" 

"Nice to meet you then, I'm Evan" He said, offering a hand to the man who took it in a strong grip, 

"I'm Derek Hale" The man said, shaking Evan's hand before stuffing it into his pocket, "any good books?" 

"...The horror section is pretty good" Evan said and Derek nodded, heading off that way and Evan blinked a few times. 

"Well Greek gods are real apparently" Evan muttered before getting back to work. 

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