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Derek returned home, being attacked by two small balls of fluff almost the moment he had closed the door and he laughed. 

"Hey Yosef, Hey Wally" he said fondly and Raif came from the living room, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at Derek. 

"Where were you?" 

"I had a date Raif" Derek said, "nothing big or bad" 

Yosef turned back, squealing happily, "You had a date?!" 

Wally turned back as well, "Are they nice!? Do they like dogs?!" 

Derek chuckled, "I'm sure he loves dogs, he's very nice and yes Yosef, I had a date" 

The two boys giggled before racing off quickly. Raif watched his sons go before looking at Derek, 

"He was nearby" 

Derek's head shot up, "What?" 

"Your uncle Peter" Raif said, "I saw him while shopping...I don't think he knows we're here yet" 

Derek frowned, "if he knows, we leave" 

"What about-" 

"Evan?" Derek said and his heart sank. He didn't want to leave Evan, he'd finally met his mate and he didn't want to have to leave him but he doubted that Evan would leave with them. 

Raif put a hand on Derek's shoulder, "Derek...we can't run forever" 

Derek twisted his lips, "I know" He said and then sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I'll...if he comes, we fight, if he just leaves, we're fine" 

Raif nodded, patting Derek's shoulder then removing his hand, "I'm making chicken tonight, you can invite Evan if you'd like...I'll make sure Yosef and Wally keep their questions to a minimum" 

Raif left into the kitchen, Derek watching him leave before he went off to his room, sighing. He wouldn't let his uncle win. He wouldn't. 

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