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Raif had a headache.

It had been a few days since Evan had been missing. Dean had come to the house, yelling at Derek who hadn't paid it much mind until Dean accused Derek of hurting Evan.

Then hell had broken loose.

Derek had started snarling and snapping back at Dean who just kept getting in Derek's face.

It wasn't until Raif had stepped in, using dad techniques to get the both of them to calm down that they backed off and calmed down.

"I just don't get it!" Dean exclaimed, "he...he text me as he left and now he's gone!"

Derek stayed quiet. Raif knew why, he felt guilty.

Taking a deep breath, he responded,

"I do believe another being may have taken Evan"

Dean frowned, "what would anyone want to do with-"

"My uncle"

Dean looked over at Derek, "Huh?"

Derek grit his teeth, "My uncle...he fucking..." the shaky sigh and clenching fists made Raif wish Peter wasn't such a dumbass,
"He took Evan"

"It is possible" Raif said with a nod.

Dean looked infuriated, "Why the hell would your Uncle take Evan?!"

"Does it look like I know?!" Derek demanded and Raif snapped at them,

"That is quite enough! Both of you! My goodness, none of your bickering will in any way help Evan!"

Both of them fell silent. Raif narrowed his eyes before huffing,

"Now...Derek and I know people who will be willing to help get Evan back and also possibly end Peter once and for all but you need to trust us Dean"

Dean scowled. His face souring when he seemed to realize he had no other real choices.

"Fine...who the hell do we need to see?"

Raif headed over to the phone, opening the little notebook beside it and starting to flick through,

"Some old family friends" he said simply, dialling a number. Ignoring Deans confused and pissy look as he spoke,

"Hello? Yes Mike? It's Raif, I would like to speak of that favour? Excellent, thank you"

He hung up, turning back to the other two men and clapping his hands together,

"Road trip! Get in the jeep."

Regret.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora