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"Dean of all the stupid things you have said" 

"I'm serious Evan!" Dean exclaimed, "I saw it!" 

Evan continued to bitch face at Dean. He figured he was justified in his disbelief. After all, Dean had just showed up and accused Evan's sorta boyfriend of being a werewolf. Which did not exist. 

"You saw it" Evan said bluntly and Dean growled in frustration, 

"Evan, he's dangerous!" 

"He's not! At least he cares about me Dean!" Evan exclaimed, "He's not like Daryl!!" 

"How do you know?!" Dean snapped and Evan sighed, rubbing his hands over his face before looking at Dean again.

"Dean I know you're protective but can you trust that I'm a big boy who can take care of myself?" Evan asked, Dean grumbled, crossing his arms and Evan hugged his friend, rubbing his shoulders, 

"It's okay bud...hey, he invited me over for dinner tonight, you should come" 

"Why should I?" 

"To see that Derek isn't that bad" Evan said and Dean huffed, 

"I don't want to watch you make lovey eyes at someone while I'm trying to eat" 

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" Evan asked, pulling out his best pout and puppy eyes which made Dean scowl, 

"Fine, I'll come have dinner with your boy toy" 

Evan perked up, "Sweet!!" 

"If anything goes wrong..." Dean started to warn and Evan waved a hand as if brushing that idea aside, 

"Nothing will go wrong Dean...I doubt it will now c'mon, lets play some video games before we go, yea?". 

Evan lead Dean off to the living room, he did have a gnawing feeling that something would happen or something would go wrong...but he didn't need to tell Dean that. 

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