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A tiny figure that harper almost instantly recognized was now hanging on almost 40th floor.  

"hazel" he shouted on top of his lungs as panic settled in. he looked around at the chaos only to find Noah shouting orders at his men, Noah's man running around, and the crowd that has gathered.   

he froze as if someone is holding him, he looked at hazel again and his consternation increased. hazel hand slipped and everything slowed down, her fragile body now falling slowly towards the ground and her voice became louder. 

fortunately, her body hit the banner and she got a hold of it. Without wasting another moment, he ran towards the lift inside the building closely followed by Noah and his men.  

as harper reached the window close to the banner and hazel, he slid it open and tried to reach for her arm. after a few tries when he actually gets a good hold of her arms, he pulled her towards himself. he could feel her wet hand which was probably because of blood. the sharp corners of the banner had given her many bruises. once hazel was finally inside, sitting on harper's lap she buried her face in his neck, hugging him tightly which no intentions of letting him go. her hands were shaking and so were harper's. there were many voices asking her if she was okay and many other things but all they focus on was each other's heartbeat.

after a while of staying in the same position, harper pulled away just to get a good look at her face. many emotion were lingering in her eyes frighten and relief be the most visible. no words were exchange yet the silence said it all.

After some time ambulance arrived and hazel was bought to the hospital. harper never left her side during the whole journey. after a while when finally hazel was over the shock Noah bombarded her with his question that he god knows how long wanted to ask. 

"it was denise." hazel spoke but it came out like a whisper.

"well stating the obvious. are we? tell me the exact incident. because it was captured that she was with you but there wasn't any camera on the terrace where she pushed you. it can also be considered as you yourself slipped. why did you go to meet her?" 

after hazel described the incident for what seems like the 100th time Noah left her alone with harper to get some proof against denise.  

after they were finally alone harper checked her woulds and spoke in his professional tone or more like tried but it was laced with concern and worry: "there isn't any major injury but I have to stitch few deep wounds. I ho-" 

before he could continue hazel starting shouting: "sti- stitch? no way in hell, i can't. it's painful eeee noooo..."

"come on, stop being dramatic. its just a stitch haze."

"no. it will hurt."

"remember you get in a much dangerous accident a month ago. its nothing in front of it."

"I was sleeping, I didn't know what were you guys doing." hazel whined, and after what looks like an eternity harper finally persuaded her and stitch her would. 

As harper completed cleaning up hazel thought he was leaving when he suddenly turned and moved towards her bed. she looked at him confused as he held her arm and positioned himself beside her: "you know, I thought I almost lost you today. I can't even imagine that now happening. it's confusing I don't know but I can't even imagine now living without you, haze I love you."

harper expected hazel to freak out maybe push him away because of their messed-up past but what hazel did increase his heartbeat and left him startled. she leaned in and pecked his lips. 

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