18. Exposed, my foot.

23 2 11

Next morning:

The next morning

Sun rays hit hazel face as she covers her whole face with her cover and sinks more in her soft pillow .she cursed herself for not closing the curtain and tried to doze off again when suddenly her bedroom room yanks open. instead of opening her eyes, she murmurs a few swear word and tried best to ignore footsteps approaching her bed and irritatingly loud voice of her beasty sister. and then all of a sudden her cover is violently thrown in the opposite corner of the room.

hazel let an exasperated sign and lifted her pillow to throw at hande which hitted the door farther away from hande. 

"you better have a good reason to wake this early." hazel heard herself shouting, barely able to open her eyes.

  hande open her mouth but then closes it, frighten of hazel reaction. she again opened her mouth and spoke timidly, her voice was barely above a whisper:"i.....ah i actually screwed up"

"explain." comes hazel's only reply in frighteningly calm voice. 

"ah.........i- i mean- we act-"

"hande come to point" hazel shouted now wide awake as she positioned herself on the bed. suddenly as if some realisation hit her, her eyes go wide. "wait, did you-did you again break someone nose. no no, not possible otherwise you would have called from prison."

Hande frowned: 'Shut up, I broke someone's car last night. I crashed in someone's car and then ran. but i have a good explanation for my imprisonment worthy act. i was  drunk'.

Hazel rose to her knees, eyes wide: "are you freaking in your senses what if the person was injured you jerk." 

Hande:  "no. no, i am not that heartless drunker. the car was empty and parked, when i hit the car its front hit the wall so basically you say that i destroyed both front and back. it was pretty expensive car, i should have just paid the compensation but my drunken ass had other ideas." 

Hazel visibly relaxed as she spoke: 'then take a chill pill, you are safe. The person don't know you are you'.

Hande spoke with worry alced in her tone : "yeah. but i remember someone shouted from back to stop. what if he noted number?" 

hazel fell backward on her bed, completely relaxed: "then deal with and don't desturb me again bitch. now leave and close the freaking door i want ti sleep." 

hande scowl and turned to leave when the  door once again yank open and a very furious looking estonia entered the room, still in her pj's and hair are totally messy as she just woke up and started shouting:" hazel hande." 

hazel once again positioned herself on bed with a exhausted expression and replied in a tone which shows that she is trying her hardest to control her anger: "why that guys wait until i am awake? and both of you ever heard of knocking."

Estonia rolled her eyes as she spoke: "shut up, we have bigger issues than that. and we are together for 2 yrs now and you didn't tell me'.

Hande frowned:"what you what?"

Estonia shifted her gaze to hande: "that mr. Donald is your father."

Hazel exclaimed: "well you never asked. wait, wait what? how the hell do you know that?"

"Everyone knows now. see." estonia said as she passed the newspaper to hazel. ACTRESS HAZEL ABIGAIL EXPOSED'. AS hazel read further, her heart sink in her stomach : " hazel who was known for her hard work and who inspire millions with her hard work and life struggle is daughter of a very successful businessman Mr. donald. has she achieved all this with her powerful background? was the story of from nothing to coming this far was just a way of sympathy."

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