1. Accident

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A door opened and a beautiful girl entered the dining room. she had average height of 5''3. she was wearing a plane white t shirt with black tore jeans carrying a plate of bread slices, she kept it on the table. And shouted at her twin 'hande, come fast i am getting late.' and then she turned towards her twin bedroom. At the door she found a board which says 'enter on your own risk'. she thought 'so childish'. then she entered room.

hande shouted: 'hazel, can't you just knock'. hazel shouted back: 'be quick, i am getting late for my interview. breakfast is ready, come quickly'.

 This was their everyday fight.Is there a twin who don't usually fight but still they love each other? they live in a small apartment of 4 room. Only hazel and hande stay there with a black cute puppy. Their mother remarried a man named Liam. She was staying in Usa and they are in England. 

hazel went to the studio. After 3 hours the whole studio was set up. Hazel was sitting with a beautiful reporter.she stared :hello everyone this is YNG channel and today we have a most popular and successful actor with us who just get reach 75 million followers. Yes that's miss hazel Abigail' then she looked back to hazel. 'Hello miss Abigail and congrats for your upcoming movie MY SISTER. Most probably this is too going to be a blockbuster like your other movies. would you like to tell us something about this movie and how is it related to your real life'.

Hazel: off course. when I got this movie I could relate a lot as my own sister fought with life a lot bravely. Even if my sister died at last she was so brave. She had many immaturities at birth and then she had to go lung transplant etc its neither like she never broke down but still the way she handled herself was amazing.she was 8yrs old whe she died but still I don't know from where she get so much maturity to handle herself.Even this movie too convey the idea of how you can live even if u don't have much time beautifully.

The interview and shooting last for a long time.After that she was driving back to home at 8 in evening. The whole road was empty. Then she stop in the middle of road and broke down.She started crying as she love her sister a lot and even after 7 yrs she cannot forget her. Then she notice a big truck coming from front.she was just in middle so she start the car and stop it in corner of big road.Then she saw on purpose the truck move toward her and before she could do anything truck came and hit her. The whole car was turned.

After 2 hours at 10 hande was at a club. her phone rang,she picked it up. 'Hello'

'hello, do u know hazel' The call was from hospital. 'yes' hande replied.

'Please come over here she got in an accident' the person says and without a reply hande run to hospital. After 15 min she went and waited outside the ICU. from behind a doctor with mask entered the ICU who didn't even notice hande.hande recognise the person and murmured to herself in shock 'harper henry price'.

Doctor harper entered the room and says 'whats the case.' And then his eyes rolled down to the beautiful girl.He froze for a moment. A tear rolled down on his cheeks and then he came back to his senses as nurse explained the case.

Hande was extremely tensed.she informed her mom,her mother come as soon as possible.she was sitting near her mother and her step father standing next to her mother.[hazel's mother remarried a turkish mr. liam azin who is a successful business man 1 year ago.he was extremely friendly with his step daughter hazel,hande].The door opened and harper came out of operation theatre,hande got up and asked: how is she?

Harper: she's better but still we need to be careful, she'll be in observation for few days.luckily she was bought here on time.

mom stay quite.her step father said: 'thank you so much harper'. Harper was a bit shock as he know mr. azin but couldn't understand what was he doing here with them. He replied:most welcome and left without saying a single thing.hande sat down and her mind start revising what happened 7 yrs back.

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