3. Because I like you

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Everyone looked at each other as they didn't have any idea of what happened. Hazel was extremely tensed. She took Eri to the hospital, she was being examined and Hazel was standing outside.

It was 8 in the evening when doctor came out and said: "meet me in my cabin?" Hazel with Hande and their mom went inside. Hazel didn't tell mom about what exactly happened. She just told that Eri fainted because of crowd.

Doctor: "Listen to me carefully, Eri need quick lung transplant . It would be expensive and also her blood group is very rare I hope it match one of you".

Hazel: How much approx.?

Doctor: single lung transplant nearly costs $561,200 which include $10,300 for a month's worth of care leading upto the transplant, $73,100 for the procurement of the organ, $302,900 for the hopstital transplant admission, $33,500 for the surgeon, $23,700 for the immunosuppressant and other prescription drugs.

Mom: 'We'll manage all expenses.'

Doctor: Ok. You all need to give blood samples.

All of them came out and then hazel asked: "How are we going to manage mom?

Mom: I'll see, we should apply for loan.

Hande: But how will we get loan so soon and this big amount?

Hazel: will you please be positive Hande.

Mom : Don't start fighting here.

After all tests were done they went to Eri's room. As they opened the door Hazel saw Harper sitting inside on a chair near Eri. She didn't wanted to tell mom anything, who's him and what happened.So she stayed quite.

Mom: Who are you?

Hande tried to cover up: Ah... he's a friend.

Harper: Yes, she fainted in front of me, I was concerned so just came to check.

Mom: "Oh, I was going down you shall continue" and she left. As soon as she left Hazel shouted "what are you even doing here? How dare you showed up?

Eri tried to stop: "Sis he's just" hazel cut her "shut up Eri"

Harper: "calm down I just came to check what happened. I m going"

Hazel: you better should. 

Harper left. Eri : "Hazel he just came to apologise and he was even friendly calm down.it was not even his mistake .They were just talking, they didn't know about my condition."

Hazel rolled her eyes as she realize it wasn't their mistake, its  just that she was tensed and her tension converted into anger. She left without a word. She went down and sat on an empty staircase.

The only thing she could think was about Eri "how are they going to manage such a big amount in that short period of time. Then just right at that moment Hazel received a message from Hande which says 'I have a bad news doctor came in and said neither of our blood group matched, now we'll need a donor too.' As Hazel read the message a tear rolled down her cheek that she couldn't stop, she put her hands on her face and started crying. She heard someone's footsteps , she quickly wiped her face and behave normally as nothing happened even when her eyes were red, swollen. She slowly got up turned around to walk and saw that person was Harper. She ignored him and  was leaving but he held her hand. Hazel said 'what' harper replied: 'I am sorry for whatever happened'.

Hazel shrugged his hand and said in casual tone: It wasn't your fault, it wasn't anyone's fault.

Harper went and sat on one of the stairs: May I ask a question.

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