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Hazel threw her purse on the chair and collapsed of the sofa placed in middle of a very luxurious looking living room at harper's place. harper followed behind and collapsed besides her as they both look at the ceiling.

"friday sucks." harper said breaking the silence.

hazel move her gaze and look at harper with excited eye: "yeah but not friday night."

"seem like someone have some plans." harper spoke.

" yeah, off course. movie night with lots of junkkkk.. yeahhhh." hazel chirped as she jumped from the sofa and stood straight and pass her hand towards harper. "You in?"

"do i have a choice?" harper ask sincerely.

"No." hazel said firmly as she grab his arm and drag him in the kitchen. harper smile softly while staring at her back which went totally unnoticed by her. "by the way, you seriously are like a ideal son. my mom will workship."

"let me guess, because i am a clean person." harper stated.

"bravo. exactly."

"well after having an experience with i am sure anyone will workship."

"are you implying i am messy." hazel said narrowing her eyes.

"no honey. just stating the facts." harper said moving a strand from her  face while she glared at him. 

"huh? grab some snacks, will you?" 

"aww someone offended." harper said as he opened few cabinet taking out big packets of lays, pop corn, cheetos and doritos with lots of granola bar and twinkies.

"badly, whatever which movie are we going to watch." hazel asked as she put her forefinger under her chin and looked up dramatically to create the effect.

"horror" said harper.

"funny" said hazel simultaneously.

"god, that totally opposite." said harper as he threw all the chip packet at hazel to carry to living room while followed  with reat of stuff.

"lets do rock paper scissor. "  hazel said as she dumped all the packet of the table recklessly and almost half of it fall on the floor. "i am a born messy person." she whispered to herself as she picked the packets.

"well, are we not too old for rock paper scissors?" harper said as he threw himself on the couch.

"that's offensive, I decide my 50% of stuff like this." hazel said looking directly in his eyes as if daring him to go against her.

 Harper groan: "fine. let get over with it." 

"oh no, let do it again." hazel said annoyed as she lost.

"we already did it for 4 times now it's final we are watching horror. i am switching off the light."

"oh god. fine let watch horror but light. do you want me to die   on our first movie night." hazel gasp.

"you are way to dramatic, no doubt perfect for acting." harper murmur as he got up to switch of the light despite all her reluctance.

After 3 hours, hazel threw the cushion she was holding annoyingly and look at harper who was staring back at her trying his hardest not to laugh. "remind me next time if i ever agreed to watch a horror movie with you."   

"why? was that scary?" harper ask innocently.

"you were scaring me more than the ghost. i could have get a heart attack."

"i am a doctor, i would have safe you"

"you are impossible." hazel huffs. harper tried to get up but hazel suddenly grab her arm. "where are you going."

 "obviously, to switch on the lights." Harper replied lazily and walk inside. afteralmost 10 minutes when he didn't return hazel anxiety shoot up. "harper, baby." she said weakly. 

she looked around and realize nothing was visible, light were still out. she tried to search for her phone but couldn't find it. she took small step toward his bedroom and call again: "harper, come out. if it's some lame idea to scare its not appreciated. or if zombies are actually her give me a sign so i coould run. please " 

she took more babysteps and this point her heart was actually beating fast and her hands were shivering. and she suddenly jump and shouted on top on her lung as harper practically threw himself over and switch on the lights. " calm down women, thankfully my walls are soundproof."

" i absolutely hate you. ee i almost died. see her heart is beating so fast." hazel said as she held her chest. her vision blurred. she started to calm down when strong arm wrap around her and she was pull into hard chest.

"aww honey, i didn't know you were that scare. i am right here. i am sorry." he coed.

hazel push him back as a big pillow hit his face like the speed of lighting. "not accepted." hazel confidently said as she stood on bed looking up arrogantly satisfied with her work. but it faded soon as a pillow hit her shoulder and she fell on bed. "owww. easy there."

"well, should have thought that before." harper smirk as he started to hit her continuously with the pillow. hazel grab another pillow and tried to dough his hits.

after a while of continuous fight they both fell on the bed exhausted. they were looking at the ceiling and peaceful silence filled the room.  

"i have to go." hazel murmur as she tried to get up but harper grab her arm and she fell back on the bed with his arm secure around her in an attempt to ensure that she stay with him where she belong. 

"stay." he murmur back with a hint of vulnerability that didn't go unnoticed. "it all feel like a dream and i am afraid it will all just fade away. i am not going to repeat the same mistake."

hazel turn to face him to see he is still looking at the ceiling. she climb over him blocking his view of ceiling. " i am very much real and i'm not even fading anytime soon." she whisper in his ears and lean in until her lip found his. 

And then harper's phone rang. 

"fuck" she both murmur simultaneously as they pull away.  

"bark." harper said still sulking, as hazel snatch his phone and put it in speaker. 

"i don't have much information but i found that Mr. Donald definitely found something against denise and that's why she cause his accident. we tried to find what Mr donald find and checked her house. but there wasn't anything in particular. i am sure we are soon going to end this denise case."

"that's a great news." harper said dismissively.

"yeah, we'll discuss it further in morning." said hazel trying to sound pleased.

"what are you guys exactly up to?" noah said totally amused.

"nothing that concern you." harper said as he hung up and threw the phone on the side table.

 hazel was still above harper as she hug him and he wrapped his arm around her protectively as they slept together cuddling. it was a pure bliss and the best sleep they both had in a while.  

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