11. Trust.

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Next morning:

Hazel was lying on her bed, still wearing the same dress from last night. She woke up and looked around in confusion. "How and when I came back?" She was in dilemma, she didn't have any idea what happened last night? Random thoughts crossed her mind. "How do I returned home? What happened at the party? Did I meet Harper? Did he drop me?  Ahh... Why am I unable to recall anything?" The only thing she could remember was the drink Marie gave her. She got up from her bed, her head was aching badly. But she wanted to find about last night, she took a quick shower, get dressed and left for the school with Hande. She even asked Hande about last night but the only reply she got was 'I was in hospital Haze.'

She went to school and noticed everyone's gaze was fixed at her. They were giving her disgusted looks and muttering something to each other. 'No, it doesn't seem good, I need to talk to Harper. What the hell is this?' Hazel murmured to herself.

Hande asked in a low pitched voice: 'Hazel, is everything ok? Why everyone is staring at you? Does anything happened at  the party?'

Hazel without looking at her, replied in an irritated tone: 'Isn't that something I asked you a while ago? I really don't have any idea.'

Hande: 'Ah... Now I am also curious to know what happened last night. Go ask Harper he might know if you did something stupid, maybe you were totally drunk.'

'Err... I just had a single drink offered by Marie. Why the hell I believed her?', Hazel said in a hurried tone and started running, to find Harper.

Hande shouted: 'Hey, its maths class. Be on time.'

Hazel continued to run, ignoring her.

Hande murmur to herself: 'Ah, isn't she the one who said mom told us not to leave any class? She's probably having memory problems.'

She was baffled, her brain felt as if it will burst anytime now. She went into the college building ignoring all the gazes that were fixed on her for god knows what reason. She searched everywhere but couldn't find him 'Ah...Harper... Where the hell are you, idiot?' she said to herself. Suddenly she heard Marie's voice coming from an empty corridor, Hazel ran towards her to find out what the hell is wrong. As she went there, the first thing which caught her attention was Marie hugging Harper, he was feasibly hugging her back. This left her startled, for a moment she lost her words, forgot her questions and everything. All she could manage to say was: 'Harper'.

By this she caught both of their attention, Harper looked towards her, he turned visibly sulky. He began in a harsh tone in which he never talked to her: 'What, now? Wasn't that enough last night?'

Hazel defensively said: 'What are you saying?  What happened last night? I really don't remember anything'.

Harper more harshly: 'Oh! Now you want me to tell you what happened last night? You should have given a better excuse.' Marie was still standing there.

Hazel calmly replied: 'Harper, listen. I really don't have any idea what you are talking about but-'

But before she could complete Harper intervened: 'I don't want to hear anything else. Everyone warned me, they always told me that you were behind my money, but I... Ahh... How can I be so stupid? Whatever now I think we should bre....'

Hazel's anger rose after hearing this, she intruded almost shouting now: 'What the hell do you mean I was behind your money? I never asked for a single penny, and who the hell are you to break up with me. I am breaking up with you, we were together for 8 months, but still, if you can't trust me, I don't wanna be with you, just go to hell.'

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