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Her hands were shivering as she grab the door knob, tears stream down her face and her legs froze. she felt a hand on her shoulder she turned around and saw harper giving her a sad smile, besides him was hande who look a total mess with all the crying and hazel could bet that she wasn't looking any better. 

she once again turned towards  the door and with all courage she could gather she opened the door. what she saw inside had her breaking down even more. her father lying there with more wounds then she could count. she walk towards him and held his arm.  his eyes met hazel and he pass her a genuine smile that she couldn't give back. she felt a pain in her heart. hande walk towards the  opposite side holding his other hand. harper quietly left to give them some space. 

hazel roam her eyes at his weak body and then back to his eyes. he squeeze her hands a little. she tried to hold hersef together but she couldn't. tears not even once left her eyes. she looked at the floor and whispered: "i am sorry."

"it was never your fault honey." donald said softly with his own tears slipping down his cheeks. 

"neither yours yet i always blame you." hazel said, her gaze still fix at floor.

"i was my fault in every way. this accident i called for it. all my deeds did, karma's a bitch. i was a-a horrible father who can't even take care of her daughter. baby, its me who should apologize." he called his voice breaking at the end.

hazel stayed silent, she couldn't form words. her mind went blank. 

" she was trying to kill you because of me. she is a psycho yet i was the one to bring her in your life."  he continued " hazel, look at me."

hazel looked at him with blurry eyes. " you need to get her arrested. she would not stop at anything. sh-she will kill an-anyone who wi-will come in her w-way." donald stuttered as his grip on hazel arms start to loosen. 

hazel face turned confused: " what do you mean, she- i mean why is she doing this."

his face turned pale as he spoke: "she is doing this  all for property. i decided to give it to you both. its your right. you both deserve it honey. 

"but we don't need it. you are doing to better." hande said almost furiously. 

donald turn toward her other daughter. "honey you can't and shouldn't push what's rightfully yours just because of someone who's trying to snatch it from you. you have to fight her back, my company have thousand of workers you think she can take that responsibility. hazel, hande you need bring this to an fair end." 

"dad bu-" hazel opened her mouth to argue but halted as her father's pale face now turned almost blue. his grip on both of her loosen and heartbeat slowed. his slow heartbeat increased hazel's. "dad, dad." she shouted while hande called doctors. 

next few moments were a total blur. hazel was oblivious of her surrounding, she could shouting voice but couldn't contemplate what happened. after a while, she was snapped out of her anxiety world as she was shaken by strong hands around her arms. 

"haze." came a very familiar voice, she looked up and saw harper. she looked around and found herself sitting in lobby of which she have no idea how she ended up there.

 "is dad ok?" she found herself asking.

"Not actually. he is in coma." harper replied in a sad tone, his arm wrapped around hazel waist. 

"ho- how long will it t-take." hazel struggled to form a sentence.

"depend. maybe week, month or maybe year." he whispered, his arm tightning around her waste. "but if you'll support her i am sure he'll soon recover. babe, don't worry he'll soon convalesce." 

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