4. Let's be friends

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Hazel went home, her mind was a mess. As she opened the door she saw Hande waiting in the hall for her. Hande said: 'Hey, where were you'

Hazel told everything to Hande. Hande was confused too.She hugged Hazel and tried to calm her. Hande: "Don't worry everything will be alright. We will figure it out".

That night Hazel felt extremely uneasy, she couldn't sleep. Next morning Hazel was going to class, in her way she saw Harper standing with Koraaye, he also noticed her but she ignored him as if she don't know him and nothing had happened last night. In break time she went to the canteen, few moments later Harper also came to the canteen with his friends and when he saw her, he tried to talk to her but she got up from her place and left. This continued for the whole day. Next day again she tried her best to ignore him. But in the 2nd last period, when she came out of washroom she saw Harper standing outside the washroom as if he was waiting for her. She tried to ignore him again but before she could leave Harper got hold of her hands: 'Hazel listen just once please I am trying to talk for a really long time.' There was no one around.

Hazel said insipidly: What.

Harper: 'But promise you will listen to me quietly'. Hazel nodded.

Harper: 'Listen, I know I shouldn't have told you this, it was too soon. I am sorry it just slipped out. I liked you from the day I saw you first, maybe love at first sight. I never felt this before for anyone. But then we fought and things messed up. We barely know each other I just want us to know each other better'.

Hazel raised her one eyebrow: 'Are you asking me to date you'.

Harper: No, I mean we can be friend we'll know each other better, hangout together and then decide.

Hazel rolled her eyes, she thought that there's nothing wrong in it, then she replied 'okay, I'm... I'm getting late for class, byee' and she left. Harper smiled. He was continously watching her until she disappeared.

Harper was delighted he went to his friends and told them everything. Koraaye was happy for him but Marie and Estonia weren't. Estonia was upset obviously because Hazel tied her and they were not on good terms since then. And Marie wasn't happy as she liked Harper a lot since her childhood. From that time Harper, Hazel, Hande and Koraaye started spending lots of time together. Estonia too use to join them sometimes because Harper and Koraaye were her bff but Marie can not at all tolerate Hazel with Harper. One day Harper, Hazel, Estonia and Koraaye were sitting on a table and Hande came running towards them 'Do you know next week founder will deliver a speech in school. Everyone must attend it, there is a notice on notice board'.

Hazel gave a disgusted expression: 'Oh, I have heard he is very rude and aggressive. Always showing up his power, I really don't like such kind of people'

Everyone looked at her and couldn't control their smile. Hazel: 'what's wrong'

Koraaye: ' Don't you know that's Harper's father'.

Hande: 'Even I know that'

Hazel was blank, expressionless she looked towards Harper wide eyed. He was also smiling at her. She quickly looked down and said in a embarrassed tone: 'I didn't mean that i.. er' this made everyone laugh. Hazel felt awkward. Harper: 'That's fine, neither I like him'.

Hazel looked at him with a confused expression on her face. Hazel: 'you don't like your...er ,...whatever'. Hazel cut off this conversation as she thought it would be better to discuss this alone.

At night they both went home, ate dinner and before going to bed their mom called all of them in hall as she had something important to discuss.

Hande: What mom be quick, I am extremely sleepy.

Mom: Children, I actually got a job's offer that's not teaching and they are paying a lot more than this. I even have to repay the loan so I think I should accept this offer.

Hazel: That's great, what's the problem then.

Mom: Well for that... I have to move to London. That's why I am not sure. Eri is in such a bad condition and she even have a surgery in 2 to 3 week, how can I leave.

Hazel: When you'll have to leave.

Mom: Friday, just after a day.

Hande shouted in shock: 'That's too quick mom'. But Hazel understood her problems 'mom, you should go, me Hande will handle everything'. Just at that moment a tear roll down her mom's cheek. Hande 'exactly, mom we know your condition. We will handle everything.'

Mom spreading her arms said: 'come, my children' and all 4 of them embraced each other. Mom: 'I wouldn't have left you in such a condition if it wasn't important.'

Hazel: 'we know'.

Friday morning:

At 5 am, Hazel Hande helped mom in packing and after 2 hours at 7 she had to leave for airport. Mom hugged all of them and said: 'As soon as I leave, both of you will go to school and leave Eri to Mrs. Macdonald. Okay and Hazel I am trusting you, Hande shouldn't skip any of her classes and please both of you don't cause any blunder like you guys use to do in your previous school, am I clear girls.'

Hazel: Okay, leave now you'll be late otherwise.

Mom bent to Eri and said: Baby take care and talk to me daily.

Hande: Uff! Mom stop your 'mom speech' we will take care.

Mom smiled lightly as she was extremely concerned and then finally left. But Eri wasn't happy at all. But she didn't showed up because she didn't wanted her sisters to be upset. Hande: 'Okay, I'll be leaving, you'll leave Eri to Mrs. Macdonald right'

Hazel: Okay. [Mrs. Macdonald is their neighbor.]

And Hande left. Hazel knew that Hande was too emotional and if she'll stay there she'll cry. Then she noticed Eri who was looking extremely upset, she bent to her and asked: Eri baby what happened. This made her cry and she replied with exreme difficulty: Ha.. Hazel, mom..mom left, we are all al.. lone.

Hazel: ' Baby, look, me and Hande both are with you and mom went there so that you could be operated well. We'll talk to her daily. Don't worry baby, we are not alone.'

She handled her somehow and left her to Mrs. Macdonald. She started walking towards school. But then a black safari came from behind and honked. Hazel turned and saw Harper, she smiled lightly.

Harper: 'Get in, let's go together'. Hazel sat and he asked: 'Your mom left?'

Hazel ignoring eye contact: Yeah.

Harper: Are you all okay?

Hazel: 'Eri, Hande are extremely upset.' Harper hold her hand and with his other hand turned her face towards him and asked very politely: 'Are you okay?' her eyes was filled with tears and they slowly started falling down. 'NO, I am not okay, I can't even cry in front of them I don't know how am I going to handle all of this.'

Harper hugged her tight 'You can do this. You aren't alone babe. We will handle everything'.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Do let me know in comment section. Lots of fun coming up in next few chapters, stay tuned and keep supporting.

when i needed you.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat