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hey guys, i would really appreciate if you would point out my grammatical mistake or any weird sentence i wrote because this is not edited.

"still no freaking updates. eee what the hell." hazel grumbled as she continued to play with the penstand on harper's desk. 

"yeah, we are continuously spying on her but she hasn't interacted with anyone. it's crazy." harper replies.

"bet she knows we are spying on her." hazel concluded.

"maybe, but there's definitely someone else helping her in all of this." harper commented.

this rose hazel's curiosity as she straighten her back and looked in his eye as if asking for an explanation. "the day your father got in an accident,  she was in questioning. and since she was behind his accident it indicates that she hired someone to do this. maybe a jailer, officer, friend. but immediately after that we are spying on her that means she hasn't paid that man or women yet. There's possibility of that person to threaten her to give her money, I am sure she Is trying to contact that person somehow."

"yea-" hazel started but was interrupted by harper's phone. as she read the caller idea a small frown took over her expression. "why do he always call him when he is my prosecutor." she whined almost inaudible as harper picked his call and put it in speaker. 

harper started: "what's u-"

Noah replied hastily: "I am forwarding you an address come there ASAP with hazel. I called hande.'

Harper asked calmly: "ok, what's wrong though?"

 "I don't have time, all i can tell you is denise finally made a movement in 2 days. i am sure it's something important." noah gave another vague reply and hang up. hazel and harper looked at each other worriedly and release a sigh simultanously.

after 5 minutes harper was driving almost breaking all the rules in the process while hazel kept looking out of the window. her anxiety kept increasing. she kept warm hand engulfing her, she turned towards harper to see him looking at her, his eyes had many emotion. worried, nervousness and many more she couldn't decipher.

after 5 min of drive which was no less than 5 hours, she reached the location. as hazel come out of her car she noticed a house that looked very old, it was broken with dust covering its surface. it's fence that was of wood was broken. overall a haunted type of house. there were no other house or anything except for few dry trees here and there. it was clearly a weird place no one would want to visit until they have some horror movie shooting to do.

she noted that hande, noah and his teammates were also there. they step closer as harper bombarded him with question: "did you guys see her? did she left."

"no, we just arrived. let me go check in first and then you guys can follow. ok?" noah explained.

after a while they heard noah voice and went in the house. and what they saw inside was more horrific than they expected. a old man lying on the floor almost motionless with knife still stuck in his chest and there were more open wound cause by stabbing. he looked familiar to hazel as she stepped forward and instantly her blood turn cold. recognition was visible in her eyes. 

"Mr james petronski." hazel whispered. 

"sir, james." harper murmur at the same time. "you guys know him." questioned one of noah's assistant.    

"he was my professor in college." replied harper.

"he was treating my sister 7 yrs." hazel almost whispered connecting all the dots. hande turned toward hazel and asked: "you ok? is there something wrong."

"later." hazel replied dismissively.

Noah spoke looking around the area: " I can't believe this denise is so clever but this time she left us lots of poof. She dropped her purse here. And this knife might still have her fingerprints." Then he turned towards her team and commanded: "we need to follow her she must be hiding somewhere outside. She didn't have a car." Then he looked towards harper asked if he was alive to which harper nodded: "ok one of them will stay behind at help you take him hospital until then i'll look around."

Then he left with hazel closely followed by most of his team and  hande . as hazel and noah was about to get in noah's car house, she heard a whimper. they turned around to see hande with a knife resting in her neck, anger clearly evident in her eyes and she was struggling in the hold of non other than denise.  but something was different about her looks. actually she herself looked totally different.

An hour back:

Noah was in his cabin surrounded by thousand of files that can contain some information about denise, he and his collegue were checking all the file over 2 hours now. he was tired which ultimately made him grumpy. he completed one more then and threw it on the floor along with other 27 files and sign: "I can't understand, why the hell aren't there any information about her. her school, college, family nothing."

his colleague looked up exhausted: "exactly, every information is about after her second marriage. There's even no registered divorce or marriage thing about her first marriage. its fishy "

They continued searching for more information but then his colleague almost jumbled from his chair. Noah asked frowning: "what?"

His colleague almost threw the file he was looking in as he spoke: "isn't it mid blowing. she is more clever than i thought. this might be what Mr. donald found out."

as noah open his mouth to reply a knock interrruted him. his tracker entered panting: "sir, denise showed a movement."

 Both noah and his colleague exclaimed: "what? finally!"

The tracker continued: "she might know that we were following her so she asked her driver for his phone inside the car. And she called someone, now she is carrying that driver phone and going somewhere. Here's her location."

Noah gave him an approving nod: "well done. this is her end."

Back to broken house:

a soft whimper left hande's throat as the knife cut deep in her throat. the whole surrounding was frozen, hazel's hand were shivering as she felt helpless.

Not again

she kept murmuring. 

"hande, denise leave her. you can't escape anymore." noah shouted. denise let out a humourless chuckle. 

"you think i don't know that. but guess what  i won't die alone."  denise shouted back but before she could do anything the knife was ripped off hande's throat, the knife landed of the opposite side while harper twisted denise hand behind her back. hande landed in noah's embrace while hazel let out a sigh. 

one of the member of noah's team cuffed her hands as she passed her best dealth glare to harper.

"are you okay? are you hurt?" hande was bombarded with question.

Hande weakly nodded and soon was enveloped inn hazel's embrace. 

An hour later, denise has officially been arrested and thrown in jail but still their were many things noah wanted to tell them. he somehow kept quiet but he was crazing to tell them. they were currently in hospital as Dr. james and hande needed immediate treatment. hande situation was better and noah finally got a chance to explain things to them. "guys, remember i had something to tell you."

no one paid attention to him as hande rested her head on the couch, hazel sipped her coffee while harper grumpily continued to text someone on his phone. with their lack of interest noah decided to burst the big bomb. 

Noah started : "so that denise is not actually denise'.

This left everyone on that table stunned, phone slipped from harper's hande while hazel drop the coffee on her dress and hande looked up with the speed of lighting that cause a great pain to shoot through her neck. they all together exclaimed: "what?"

one more chapter to go, i hope i could complete it today. thanks for waiting.

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