Stay With Me

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"She said 'don't walk away, leave what we could've been behind. Don't leave me standing here. Don't say another time so, stay with me tonight.' Can we go back do it over? Can we go back to the start?" (R5, Stay With Me).

Scarlet's POV

Half an hour after the boys left Rocky came back alone. He walked through the front door and lied out on the couch without saying a single hello.

"Where are Ross and Riker?" I asked sitting up.

Rocky looked up at me and smiled. "What do you mean?"

I glared at him to tell the truth.

"Don't worry, they're bonding, just like you wanted."


It was almost one in the morning when I heard Ross's car pull up and looked out the window for Riker. Ross got out and walked over to the the passenger's seat to open the door.

Ross helped the passenger out and I saw it was Riker.

A smile was plastered on his face and his eyes looked swollen. He clumsily got out and I could tell Ross was enjoying seeing his older brother like this.

I turned around and almost ran at Rocky. "You took them to a bar?" I exclaimed.

"You shouldn't shout! Everyone is asleep," he replied. I stared him down and he gave up. "Yes, I took them to a bar," he said obviously.

I rolled my eyes and went back to looking out the window.

They walked to the door. Then, after I could no longer see them, I could hear the mess. The door opened and I greeted them. Riker's eyes widened, or tried to, at the sight of me.

"Scarlet!" he shouted in my face. I instantly smelled alcohol, and a lot of it.

He came closer and tripped, pushing me against the wall. "Mmm, Scarlet. We should go upstairs," he quickly said winking at me.

I rolled my eyes, "You're drunk."

"Yes. You know what else?" he looked around making sure no one was paying attention. Everyone was. "So horny," he finished whispering. I let out a laugh. I probably shouldn't have but I could help it. "And Scarlet you look so fucking sexy tonight."

Rocky began to make fun of Riker as he made his way up the stairs to his bedroom leaving Rydellington behind, fast asleep on the couch. I felt bad for him but it was really funny.

"Well, thank you," I began. He interrupted me with a kiss. He immediately pushed his tongue in my mouth until I forced him away.

I wiped my mouth of all the saliva he had left on my face.

"So you wanna go upstairs?" he said impatiently.

I gave him a reluctant look pretending to think about it. "Well, maybe some other time," I decided. "Let's take you to your bed Riker," I said.

"Do you need any help?" Ross offered.

"Please," I asked. Ross and I took Riker upstairs we laid him down. He fell asleep by the time he hit the pillow.

"Can you help me?" I asked Ross. We both began to undress Riker. Ross took his jacket off and I removed his shoes.

"Should we remove his jeans too?" Ross asked.

"Yeah," I responded. I walked over and unbuckled his belt then went back over to his feet. "Can you hold his boxers so that when I pull his jeans off they don't side off too."

"Sure, but I doubt they'll slide off," he responded. I wasn't sure what he meant and pulled his jeans down. Ross held his boxers and once I pulled his jeans off I made the mistake of looking up. He was wearing everyday tight boxers. They showed a little too much. Including his boner. I quickly looked away an finally understood what Ross had said.

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