Wild Hearts - Pt. I

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"On a night like this I remember how I missed my window and I know this: we better live our lives up to the fullest, 'til we're the only ones left standing," (R5, Wild Hearts).

Scarlet's POV

"Vi?" I asked after Rydel. Violet and I were twins but we never really looked too much like each other. I haven't seen her in probably fours years. She had left home at eighteen and I hadn't seen her since.

"Hey, little sister," she said as she stepped one of her purple pumps inside.

"This is your older sister?" Courtney asked.

I turned to her and shook my head. "We're twins, she's just always called me that. Not sure why," I replied.

"I call you that because you're shorter, you're the little sister," she said in her uptight tone.

"I'm not shorter, it's just you wear heels," I responded.

"Right, making me taller and you shorter," she said as if it was obvious. My sister and I were very different. In high school while I was into arts and my grades, she was more into her social status and her boyfriend.

She hadn't always been that way, she used to dance and sing with me all the time but when her best friend's entire family died she drifted. That was the reason we had moved to Los Angeles with the Lynch's. It was all very complicated. When we got out of high school she went into modeling and I went off to college.

We used to talk but she was never interested in anything I would say, so I stopped calling. So that was it. Now she was here and I didn't know how to react.

She took a seat next to Rydel and Maia and waved.

"You guys are identical," Vanni said.

Rydel looked at me with surprise as if she herself couldn't believe how much we looked alike.

Lori did the same, "They weren't always."

"What do you mean?" Maia asked.

"Violet and I have always looked alike, but as normal siblings would. We only began to look more identical as we grew older. For instance, now," I said.

Violet furrowed her eyebrows. "We don't look that much alike. I have natural straight hair while Scarlet's is wavier. My eyes are blue and her's are brown. My hair is almost black and Scarlet's is a light brown," she explained, stating the obvious.

"Right, but everything else is right on," Courtney said studied my sister and me back and forth.

"Anyway," I said changing the subject. We continued to get to know each other and it only got later. I noticed they liked to talk a lot about the Lynch's. Courtney and Brooklyn were almost going back and forth about Ross with a few comments from Laura, Raini and Maia. I learned Alexa was into Rocky and Sav was obviously into Ryland.

I also saw Vanni talk a lot about Riker, I figured she was into him and my sister along with Rydel could see it as well. Whenever she would say anything about Riker Rydel would give me a panicked stare asking if I was okay.

My sister on the other hand was completely amused and would simply smirk at me. I would have been mad at her but it wouldn't have been wise to. I knew who my sister was and she always enjoyed other people suffering, I would just be wasting my time to be upset.

It was probably almost eleven when we went down to go look for anything to snack on. The Lynch boys were quick to join us as we crowded in the kitchen. I caught Riker looking at me and simply stared back.

He made a nodding motion and smiled as if saying "Don't worry. I'm going to leave you alone." I smiled and went back to the girls.

"We should go buy some cookies," Alexa suggested.

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