The Way I Am

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"Cause I love the way you say good morning and you take me the way I am. If you are chilly, here take my sweater. Your head is aching, I'll make it better," (Ingrid Michaelson, The Way I Am).

Scarlet's POV

"Can we pass by my storage unit so I can get some clothing?" I asked turning the volume down.

"Sure thing. Where is it?" he asked.

I thought for a moment. I had been getting some work done on my apartment as a gift from my dad. When I told him about me going to LA he had offered paying for some redecoration work done. My father's friend, Gabe, was the one in change of the entire situation.

"Actually, let me call Gabe," I told Riker. I dialed his number and called. After a little small talk I asked him about my apartment and he told me my things were already back. All I needed to do was go and unpack the boxes.

I told Riker about it and he drove me over to my old apartment. We went up and after opening the door we were hit with a wave of dust.

"They finished up pretty quickly," I noted looking around. The walls in the small living room were all a dark crimson color that went along nicely with the dark wooden floor. It would have been dark if it wasn't for the white doors and baseboard.

I went into my room and saw they had put up the wallpaper I had asked for. 

"This is amazing," Riker admired looking at the walls.

"Thank you, I designed it. They're lines from Romeo and Juliet," I explained. The text was written in black on a backdrop with a creamy color as if they were written in a notebook.

"Ross would flip over this," Riker told me. I felt a knot build up in my throat at his name. I guess I knew about Ross's obsession over Romeo and Juliet, had I done this on purpose? I looked away hoping Riker wouldn't notice the guilt on my face.

I found the box with my clothing and packed some into a small traveling bag I had elsewhere. "There we go," I said. 

I looked around my apartment for a second time and realized how lonely it looked, "Do you think we could come by to give it a little clean tomorrow morning?" I asked.

"Of course," he replied with a smile. 

We got back into the car and music blasted making us both jump. Riker turned the volume down. "So where do you want to go now?"

"It's already dark. I think I'm ready to go to sleep," I said.

"That's actually a wondrous idea," Riker said smiling.

We parked at our hotel and went up to our room. Riker went into the bathroom and I walked up to the mirror.

I smiled at my reflection and felt warm inside. Being in New York with Riker was perfect. It was nice to have him around without the troubles of Ross. I was beginning to realize how much I really loved him, everything about him made me happy.

Riker walked out of the bathroom and caught my smile. "What are you smiling about?" he asked tossing his jacket onto the bed.

I bit my lip and shook my thoughts. I began to undo my hair letting it come down onto my shoulders. Riker came up behind me and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Hey you," he whispered into my ear as he removed my hair from my shoulder reveling my neck.

I let out a small giggle, "Hey." Riker smiled at me through the mirror and began to kiss my neck making me giggle again, "What are you doing?"

He ignored my question and just smiled. His arm pulled me closer to him and the embrace was warm. I closed my eyes and allowed him to kiss me.

After a little while he playfully picked me up in his arms and laid me down on the bed. I giggled and he simply continued to smile. He hovered over me and came down to continue kissing my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair and closed my eyes with a smile on my face.

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