Things Are Looking Up - Part I

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"I needed caffeine, you were a Starbucks. A Starbucks, a double shot," (R5, Things Are Looking Up).

Riker's POV - Day VII

I woke up early in the morning and it was still dark out. I got dressed trying to be as quiet as possible so I wouldn't wake Ross up. Yesterday at the photo shoot I had asked Scarlet if she wanted to go out today early in the morning. I wanted to catch the sunrise and then go out to eat breakfast.

She had agreed to go out and I couldn't sleep all night thinking about it. I usually wasn't much of a morning person but I'd do anything to be with her.

I lightly knocked on her door and sat down next to it. She opened the door and I saw she was wearing light blue jeans that were folded at the bottom with a crop top crew neck of The 1975 and her white converse.

"Hey you," she whispered cheerfully as she closed the door behind her.

"Hey," I got up and hugged her. Scarlet was a lot shorter and smaller than me so whenever I hugged her I felt like I was going to break her. I slightly pulled away and put my forehead against hers. I smiled and she smiled back at me.

She stood on her tip toes and kissed the side on my lips. Not quite a kiss on the mouth but more than a kiss on the cheek. I must have been blushing like crazy because her face turned pink when she pulled away. She slipped out of my embrace and we turned to walk down the stairs. I saw I had forgotten to close my door and reached for the nob missing.

I hadn't expected to miss so I lost my balance and Scarlet caught me before I could fall over. "Woah, are you okay?" she asked in a concerned tone.

I blinked multiple times trying to get my eyes to focus. "Yeah I just can't really see," I told her. It was probably caused by a mix of me sleepy and not wearing my glasses.

"Why don't you get your glasses?" she suggested.

"No, I should be fine without them," I replied. I didn't want to wear them because I didn't really like how I looked with them, not that there was anything wrong with glasses but I preferred to be without them.

"Riker, if you need your glasses you should wear them," she said. I was about to argue when I took a deep breath and went to get them instead.

I came back out and she smiled at my glasses, "Isn't that better?"

"I can see better, but I don't look better," I said.

She came close and fixed them. "You look better to me," she flirted smiling.

I smiled back and took her hand. We went out to the beach and sat on the shore. Something about this was really nice and relaxing. There was only the two of us and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.

She snuggled into my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her.

"Where do you want to-"

"Shut up," she interrupted.

I laughed, "Well."

She sat up an turned to me, "No, the sun is beginning to come up."

"I couldn't tell," I flirted as I stared into her eyes. She smiled and looked down blushing.

"Pay more attention then," she teased as she placed her hand over my lips. She kissed her hand slightly touching my lips in between her fingers. Her touch made my heart race and my face felt hot. I smiled as she went back to leaning on my shoulder.

The sky turned an orange shade of pink behind us and the sun began to shine. It was nice to feel the sudden change of temperature against our backs making things warmer. In front of us we saw the night slowly disappear.

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