Wishing I Was 23

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(A/N): For those of you wondering, surgery went great! It was a conscious surgery so it was extremely painful and I was exhausted afterwards so I went straight to bed. This morning I woke up early and tried to go to ballet which turned out to be extra hard thanks to all the medication I was on.
I got back and went straight to finishing this chapter so I hope you will forgive me for it being late and vote for it anyway. It's a little longer too. I would like to thank all of you for reading my stories, it means the world to me. I love you guys. Continue to be awesome.
- Scarlet

"I know she's graduated and I'm not quite educated. I'm young, you know, age is overrated. Maybe she's just to old for me. Living in a teenage fantasy. Baby, there's so much we could be," (R5, Wishing I Was 23).

Ross's POV - Day VI

Last night when we had arrived in LA I continued to be depressed in a corner. My family would give me looks and asked me about it but I would just say I was tired. I tried to avoid eye contact with Scarlet. She was probably feeling guilty about it. A part of me didn't want her to be but another wanted her to feel the pain I was feeling.

I woke up and could already feel the happiness in the air. I may have been feeling down but the rest or my siblings were brighter than ever. I got up and got dressed in beach clothing. I went down the stairs and my mood lightened at the smell of pancakes.

I took a deep breath taking in the smell. Maybe I shouldn't be so upset. What if I was focusing on the wrong details? I had kissed Scarlet, something I have been wanting to do in long time. She also wasn't really dating Riker so I could steal her heart. My optimism took over and I was ready to be cheerful again.

"Morning!" I said as I sat down next to Scarlet. I stopped avoiding eye contact and pretended everything was A-okay. "Good morning, Scarlet. How'd you sleep?" I asked.

She looked confused but smiled. Her smile was gentle and I could tell she wanted to know if I was okay. "I slept well. What about you? Are you still tired?" she asked. I knew by tired she meant sad.

"Yeah what was that all about?" Riker butted in. "You must have been crazy tired. Did you get enough sleep?" he finished shoving a piece of his pancake in his mouth. He was sitting on the other side of Scarlet on the kitchen bar.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I promised. "Just needed some rest, things are clearer now," I finished quickly. Scarlet caught the hint I had tossed at her and looked down at the plate of pancakes in front of her.

I looked over at Rydel who was making the pancakes and smiled cheesily at her.

"How many?" Rydel asked laughing a little.

"Uh three, for now," I said.

She smiled and handed me a plate of what I had asked for. I quickly ate, enjoying every bite. When I finished eating five pancakes I felt bloated and went out to sit on the chairs that were outside. I put my sunglasses on and lied down to catch a tan.

I felt someone sit by my legs and I looked up. It was Scarlet, she had a nervous look on her face. I removed my sunglasses and smiled at her.

"What's with this act?" she blurted.

I raised my eyebrow at her then chuckled. "No act. I was just being a little too depressive yesterday," I said.

"You sure you're okay?" she pushed.


"How do you do it?" she asked.

"Remember what you told me yesterday? Don't think about it, nothing happened. You're my best friend, nothing will change that. Just take your own advise and chill out," I encouraged.

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