F.E.E.L.G.O.O.D. - Pt. I

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PLEASE READ. This chapter was not written by me. Huge disclaimer, this chapter contains sexual content at one point and is inappropriate for anyone under the age of seventeen. It is not meant to arouse. This was written for the sake of being realistic. The characters are all adults and it is perfectly normal. The scene will be marked with astrics (*) as a before warning so you know where to skip if wanted.

Shout out to the author of the chapter, her name is Bella and doesn't have a Wattpad. She's also an adult. I allowed her to write this using my characters and I decided to post it. The story does go on so if you find reading sexual content disturbing and decide to skip that part and read the next chapter, I'll catch you up there the next time I update.

Thank you for understanding. Now you can read on, or not. New song by R5, you can watch it on last night's show of Jimmy Kennel. - Scarlet

"You make me feel good. Maybe this is love or maybe I'm insane, temptations pulling me and now I can't escape. Give me the night, I wanna know what lucky secrets you hide," (R5, F.E.E.L.G.O.O.D.).

Scarlet's POV

We got home from the hospital and I felt confusion. Riker and I say in the car and I waited for him to say something. I could feel he was upset at me but I couldn't remember why.

He looked down at the steering wheel and he almost looked like he was waiting for me to say something.

It was strange but I felt a stubborn need to stay quiet and not do as he wanted. After impatiently looking around for a while I got out of the car and walked into the kitchen.

Riker had gotten out shortly after me and met me in the kitchen. I was about to walk towards the stairs when he yanked me back by my arm.

"Hey!" he shouted.

I turned and met his stare with a frown. "What?" I whined jerking away.

"You and Ross kissed in front of me and you have nothing to say?" he exclaimed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I demanded.

"What?" he asked in a strong tone.

"I can't do this," I said as I turned and walked up the stairs.

Riker followed me up the stairs and as we reached the top he pinned me by my hands to the wall.

"Riker!" I shouted.

"What's going on between you and Ross?" Riker exclaimed ignoring my struggling.

"You're hurting me," I said trying to break free. This side of him scared me. I had no idea what he was even talking about.

He looses his grip but didn't let me go. "Just answer me," he said bringing his voice back down.

"Nothing! I already told you, nothing is going on," I yelled.

"Then why did he kiss you today?" Riker yelled allowing my hands to come down to my sides.

"How am I supposed to explain something I don't even recall?" I demanded.

He leaned close. "Why do you lie to me Scarlet? You said you didn't even want this," he said sounding hurt. "Damn it," he cursed punching the wall next to my face.

"Riker," I complained. I was telling him the truth. I had no interest in Ross if it meant loosing Riker.

Riker placed his hand on the wall above me. I also felt hurt that Riker didn't believe me.

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