Fallin For You - Pt. II

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"I've seen predictable, vanilla plain, and all the manikins, they look the same. There's no one else like you, one of a kind, and I'm a lucky guy 'cus you're all mine," (R5, Fallin' For You).

Riker's POV - Day I

As I drove us to the ice cream shop I couldn't help but think about my day at the beach, or at least the part when it was just me and Scarlet. We had surfed for most of it and Scarlet wouldn't really pay attention to me. I had wanted to talk to her and it wasn't until she surfed a huge wave that she looked my way.

A few weeks ago I had called Scarlet and invited her to join us on our vacation. Scarlet knew me better than anyone so she should have caught my hint.

It was pretty obvious I wanted to get back together with Scarlet. I mean she was my girl, I could have dated someone while we were on tour and I'll admit I did go on a couple of dates but I felt no butterflies with any of them.

Anyway, back to my talk with Scarlet. We had stopped and just sat on our surfboards. We didn't say anything for a while until I took her hand. Scarlet allowed me to and just smiled down at it. At the moment I was feeling impulsive and wanted to kiss her but I knew she wouldn't've approved if I did.

"Scarlet, I really missed you. The entire tour I couldn't think about any girl replacing you," I had told her. I had been hoping she would be pleased but she frowned and let go of my hand.

I hadn't understood her reason until she spoke, "Riker, it's been two years. I don't doupt you're still a great guy but people change. I changed too. I think you're confusing your current feelings with the ones you had when we were younger. You're in love with a memory," she had explained.

When I tried to argue she smiled making me keep quiet. "Can you just fall for me, the current me, again? I'll do so too, for you. I just want to make sure this is right. I-" she had hesitated as if changing her mind, "We can't just blindly get back together." After that she smiled at me and our conversation ended.

"Are you okay, Ross?" I heard Scarlet say behind me. I wanted to turn around and look but that would've been unwise being that I was driving. Instead I looked through the mirror. I saw Ross's face was slightly pink but nothing bad. Then he spoke.

"Fine, why?" Ross said. Scarlet must have found his voice normal, but I'm his brother. He spoke as if he was in a hurry, to stop.

"You aren't breathing. Am I too heavy for you?" Scarlet asked. Of course you aren't too heavy for him, I thought. Something else is going on.

"What? No. I'm breathing," he loudly breathed in and out, "See?" Scarlet must have bought it because she said no more but I on the other hand knew there was something going on.

We arrived at the ice cream shop and we all put hats and sunglasses on and basically anything to hide our identity. Well all of us except Scarlet of course.

"You guys have to do this?" Scarlet asked looking around.

"Yup. The downside to being famous. We have to watch out for fans, not that they're bad but we'd like to have a normal day." Ross explained.

"More importantly we have to watch out for paparazzi," I added. "They like to take pictures when we aren't ready and twist what was actually happening for a new headline. Very annoying." My dialog sounded like I was annoyed but I noticed I sounded awfully cheerful. It was true though. The fans were mostly never a bother, that is when it was just a couple. But the paparazzi was what I was worried about.

"Yeah, the fans are the least of our worries, besides we're in California, a girl fan or two couldn't hurt." Rocky said in his player tone.

I parked a block away just in case we were spotted and got out of the car. I helped Scarlet off Ross and when she was out Ross made a face like he was relieved. Everyone else got out and we walked towards the ice cream shop.

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