Want You Bad

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"In the back of a taxi cab, one quick turn you were on my lap. We touched hands and we pulled them back ... I might just go crazy, 'cause you're my best friend's baby. But you got me thinking maybe, just maybe," (R5, Want You Bad).

Ross's POV

Riker and Scarlet had been away in New York for the past week and I honestly didn't know when they'd be back. The entire time they had been away I couldn't stop thinking about what they were up to. I was jealous, and I was angry. Why hadn't Scarlet invited me? Of course I knew the answer, Riker was her boyfriend.

It wasn't any fair. I was known to be a "heart throb" in the media, but with my actual love life that wasn't the case. I had liked Maia Mitchell when we were filming Teen Beach Movie, even confessed my feelings on camera. People would just laugh, thinking it was a joke and Maia did too.

When I began Austin and Ally I began to like Laura. Then, people began to ship it and it felt more like an obligation than anything else.

Other than them I had never really clicked with anyone, except for Brook and Scarlet. With Brook everything felt so surreal, but it ended so quickly and harshly I decided not to think to much about it.

Then, Scarlet had always been the one I couldn't have. Sometimes I wondered if that was the reason she intrigued me so greatly but it really wasn't. I liked Scarlet because she was normal. Although she had her talents she was more humble and modest about things.

Scarlet had many dreams and although they differed from my own we both loved music. She loved to dance and was really good at it. She liked to sing and man, she had a voice. Her beauty wasn't just on the outside, she had an amazing personality. She was kind beyond belief and so loyal. She was loving and compassionate, something that's had to find these days.

I had so many dreams of what we could be, my perfect happily ever after. But she wasn't mine to hold, she belonged to my brother and it broke my heart.

I sat up, fighting the urge of moping all day, and went outside to play my guitar. I strummed a tune that perfectly described my feelings.

"So hard to just pretend, it sucks. She's his girl and he's my friend. No good way for this to end. Yeah, I want you bad... Everything you got just kills me, feeling guilty... I'm in love with someone else's girl. You rocky my world, but you're the one that I can't have... In my crazy mind, I'm with you all the time 'cause you're the best I never had. Oh, girl I want you bad," I sang in a slower beat putting all my frustrated and sad emotions into it.

I finished and heard Rydel's door open behind me followed by her footsteps. She came and sat down next to me, saying nothing.

I glanced up and saw a sorrowful look on her face. I turned to her and furrowed my eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

My question caused her to smile. "Ross, I'm here for you, because you look upset, and you ask me what's wrong?" she asked with endearment.

I laughed and looked out at the beach. I had been really frustrated and I wanted to rant to Rydel about it but I couldn't. Rydel brushed the back of my head with her fingers.

"It's Scarlet. Isn't it?" she asked.

I looked at her and simply nodded holding back a tear. The feeling I had was possibly more than just about Scarlet. I felt like she just triggered everything.

Rydel sighed, "I know it can be weird but if you want to talk about it-"

"I- I just feel worthless. I feel like I'm not worth loving," I admitted all too quick.

"Why?" she asked.

I shrugged and began to list, "Maia, Laura, Brook... now Scarlet. None of them want to be with me."

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