Fallin' For You - Pt. I

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"You like mismatched socks, with polka dots. You like your pizza cold, I think that's hot. You like to swim at night, when the moon is full. You think that makes you strange, I think that's cool," (R5, Fallin' For You).

Ross's POV - Day I

Scarlet was chasing us. We all laughed and ran around the beach. I had missed this. Scarlet had been my best girl friend. Well, not that she was ever my girlfriend but she was my best friend that was a girl. Does that make sense?

I locked eyes with Riker and we silently decided to attack back. We both stopped running away and ran at her instead. Riker hugged her from behind and I picked up her legs. We took her to the water and threw her in.

She screamed and fell in, getting even more soaked. She came up and stood in the water laughing. I went into the water and joined her. She pushed me and I let myself fall into the water. When I got up she had turned away and was watching Riker.

I really shouldn't have cared. But for some reason I did. I ignored the feeling and joined them.

"Oh my god do you hear that?" I yelled. There was an awfully familiar tune playing somewhere on the beach. I looked over at Rydel and saw she was holding a radio. Rocky, Ellington, and Rydel were all dancing and singing to the song.

"Yes! Cali Girls is on the radio!" Riker yelled. Riker and I ran for the shore. Scarlet was in Riker's arms and was laughing really hard.

We joined the rest of R5 on the beach and all danced and sang along to the very lyrics we wrote. When the song ended Rydel turned the radio off and Riker laid out on the beach with his hands over his face.

Riker was a pretty emotional guy. I knew he was probably so excited he started crying. "YES!" he yelled stretching his arms out, showing his face. He was smiling but his smile was crooked because, I was right, he had begun to cry.

Riker jumped to his feet. His face was bright red and everyone laughed at him for crying including me. "Awwh, I'm glad your dreams have come true," Scarlet said looking around at us with a smile. I was tempted to hug her but Riker beat me to it.

The rest of the evening was fun. We played in the water until we got tired. Eventually Rydel, Rocky, and Ellington joined us as well.

I think it was around eight when the sun went down. I hadn't really noticed it because I was having so much fun until I saw Scarlet had stopped. She wasn't alone. Riker stood by her in the water and they both looked into the sunset. I looked at it as well and felt warm.

I impulsively walked towards Scarlet but stopped before I kissed her. What? Why was I going to kiss her? I didn't even feel that way for her. I was acting strange. Thankfully she hadn't even noticed I was standing sightly behind her. I looked down and stared at her hand. It was small and pretty, like Laura's. I guess that was normal right? They're girls.

The sun went down and we were about to get out and go back home. We where all also really hungry so decided to end the day at the beach. We made our way out of the water when Scarlet stopped us, "Guys, I kind of want to go surfing."

Riker and I exchanged looks and stared at her in confusion. "Scarlet, we had all day. Why now?" I asked. Riker stuck his hand out at my face defending her.

"Hey, I want to go surfing too," he said. "Look you guys go ahead, I'll stay with Scarlet. We'll be home soon, I promise."

For some reason I didn't want to leave them alone, but I was starving and I knew I would look weird if I argued so I just nodded and walked back to the house.

When we got to the house we all went our separate ways to get dressed. I went up to my room and got in the shower just to wash off all the sand I picked up at the beach.

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