F.E.E.L.G.O.O.D. - Pt. II

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"Something felt so good when you said my name. All that I want from you, is to feel the same," (R5, F.E.E.L.G.O.O.D.).

Riker's POV

I quickly put my clothes on, picking them up from the hall as well and ran for the door. It was Rocky. After pulling away from the peephole I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Rocky walked passed me and ran up to the room without a word. "Uh-" I began running after him.

Rocky and I walked into the room and he began to search around in Ross's things.

"What are you looking for?" I asked looking about the room making sure nothing looked suspicious or different.

"Ross's script," he replied casually.

"Oh it should be right around," I stopped and looked over at this bed to find the booklet. "Here," I said handing it to him.

"I thought you were mad at Ross," he said stopping and staring at me with a raised eyebrow.

Shit. "Uh," I began as I leaned with my arms crossed against the wall. "Scarlet and I worked things out so-"

"Where is Scarlet?" he interrupted with a grin, 'suspiciously' looking around the room.

I furrowed my eyebrows and pretended to think. What can I say? "Uh, she's- she's I think in the shower," I replied quickly and nervously.

Rocky turned and a devilish grin slipped on his face. "In your shower," he stated, pursing his lips and crossing his arms.

I glanced at the door and furrowed my eyebrows for a second time. "Yeah, I guess," I said.

"We're you two-"

"No, Rocky. God," I replied in a disgusted tone trying my best not to be obvious.

"Sorry," he replied biting back a smirk. "Well I'll see you later then," he said walking passed me.

"Okay," I replied.

"Oh, hey," he said coming back. "Your shirt's inside out," he said with the same teasing grin as he tapped my shoulder.

He began down the stairs and I stayed dumbfounded as I looked down at my shirt.

"Rocky!" I called down the stairs.

"Yeahp?" he answered continuing to make fun of me.

"Please don't say anything about me-" My voice cracked. I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"About you..." he asked.

"And Scarlet," I whispered.

"About you and Scarlet what?" he asked pushing me to say it.

"About us having," I hesitated.

"What was that?" Rocky shouted.

I shot him a glare and he finally cut it out. "I won't say anything," he promised with a chuckle.

And just like that our conversation ended and he left, leaving me to go find Scarlet again.


I got dressed, this time making sure my shirt was on correctly and Scarlet did the same next to me.

"Are we okay?" she asked buttoning her shirt.

I turned and felt my brain melt at the view. "We're perfect."

She smiled with an eyebrow raised. "Us being okay has nothing to do with me not having my shirt completely closed does it?" she asked.

I laughed and pulled her close for a kiss. "Ask me later," I teased.

Scarlet Triangle ❀ r.a.l & r.s.lOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora