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"Marie!" Thomas yells from the bottom of their creaky staircase.

"Oh hush, here we are," Marie announces descending the stairs with Florence in her arms.

"My god, thank you." Thomas jokes. "Henry! Fred! Do not untie those ties!" Thomas jokingly yells.

"I am sorry I left you with the terrible twins," Marie muses to her husband and he rolls his eyes.

"You two look beautiful," Thomas compliments kissing his wife and daughter as he kisses Marie on the cheek and smiling down at his three-year-old daughter.

"Papa," Henry whines tugging at his tie.

"Okay, we best be going." Marie sighs as the house of five all rush out of the quint cottage and towards the car ready for them.

"Oui, we don't want to miss your own brother's coronation do we?" Thomas teases. Marie whacks him gently before shuffling past him.

"Now I want you all to be on your best behavior, maybe not for papa and me but for Uncle William and Aunt Helena, please," Marie says to the twins sitting across.

"Oui momma." Henry and Fred chorus together.

"How come you are anxious lumière des étoiles" Thomas whispers into Marie's ear.

"Because my brother is about to become King, someone has to be anxious for him." She replies back.

"I think he has Helena for that matter."

"I'm anxious for him because I do not have to wear the crown, there's a difference." She points out and Thomas nods. "We got lucky, that's all," Marie whispers back.

Thomas squeezes her wrist gently before kissing her cheek. The streets back through France were chaotic, millions have gathered to get a glimpse of the queen one last time or the prince as a prince.

Thomas was the first to step out of the car, making sure soldiers were stationed where they should be. Despite the fact Thomas was in a tuxedo, he was still working, he was obviously General now.

"Allen! Connell!" Thomas yells, motioning his hand down the grand steps of the church. The two jog down as the rest of the Shiffer family slides out of the car.

"Do make sure my family gets inside properly and not hounded by news please," Thomas says as Henry and Fred step in front of Thomas.

"Of course Tom" Connell nods and smiles down at the spitting images of Marie.

"I have to do my rounds quickly," Thomas tells Marie as Allen takes the boys and starts up the stairs.

"I said no working." Marie sighs.

"I'm General, there is no such thing as no working. I will be inside in a few minutes." Thomas assures rubbing Marie's back gently.

"Okay, hurry please." Marie sighs and Thomas smiles. As Thomas watches his family ascend up the stairs of the beautiful church he attaches his earpiece to his suit and places it inside his ear.

Marie says her court hellos to the other royal families attending the coronation before finally allowing Allen and Connell. Thomas' right-hand man to take them up to the front where the rest of the family is.

"Hello dear," Marie's aunts greet them as the twin's run-up to the podium chairs.

Thomas buttons his suit jacket standing on the church steps as he watches the Royal cars pull up. Scarlett and Cole step out first and Thomas greets them.

"Ready to be dethroned?" Thomas jokes to Scarlett.

"I am ready but I'm still a mother," Scarlett sighs as she loops her arm through Thomas'. The young man pats her arm. "I shall be fine being escorted by my husband. Go tend to your brother please, from last I heard he's a wreck." Scarlett sighs.

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