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Cole's POV
I exit the corridor, paint covering me "I'm so sorry"Autumn laughs as she follows me.

"Autumn it's fine"I laugh along with her.

"I'm just laughing at the fact that you have pink and yellow smeared all over you"She laughs again as we stop in the front foyer of the palace.

"Laugh all you want kid" I chuckle as the front doors open and in steps Jefferson and Katie.

"What kind of creature threw up all over you?" My sister laughs. Jefferson stands behind her giving me an amused smile.

"It wasn't a creature it was a paint tray as a matter of fact and you are so lucky I am not about to hug you"I point out as she and Autumn hugs.

"You better go change that shirt"Jefferson jokes. I flip him off and he laughs.

"Come along Katie, Lucy is in the music room" Autumn says as she begins to lead Katie away from us. I watch them leave before making my way upstairs.

"We've got more soldiers from the base since we've got all these other royalty snobs coming in" Jefferson tells me as he walks up the stairs with me. I nod. "You excited to get married in a week?" He asks me.

"Yea, but shocked that I'm getting married at such a young age"

"Hey when true love happens, true love happens"He shrugs. I nod. "I'm heading to the base now with General. Kennedy is with Scarlett going over paper work"

"Well I guess I better not interrupt them two considering Kennedy is in there"

"I think the Prime Minister sent over another letter regarding the Prince of Italy's opinions on the new royal wedding"Jefferson says as I open up the quarters door.

"He sent another letter?" I question him. Jefferson nods and stuffs his hands into his uniform pants pockets. "I heard it was very vulgar"

"Vulgar my ass"I scoff.

"I request you don't go hurdling your way through her office, she is probably stressed enough"

"I was not going to do such thing"I chuckle as I unbutton my shirt and leave it on a chair for one of the maids to pick it up. I grab a new one and button it up.

"Like hell you weren't"Jefferson laughs before general calls for him on the walkie. "I'll see you tonight"

"I'll see you"I nod at him before he leaves. I walk down the marble staircase as I was called on the walkie.

Scarlett's POV
"I don't believe that holding the gates would do much matter"Kennedy sighs.

"Yea I do not believe so either"I sigh and throw the file on my desk before rubbing my forehead.

"Everyone will be all ears your majesty"Kennedy assures.

"And if Italy decides to do anything?" I ask, tucking my hands behind my back and looking out the window.

"Then we'll know, plus the other royals security will know about Italy. You will be safe and have the most Queen like wedding"Kennedy chuckles.

"We have top security here we better be on our best"

"Have you met our head of security?" Kennedy jokes. I chuckle and turn to him.

"You are right" I agree "but not on that day"

"You've got Jefferson" he suggests. I tilt my head. Kennedy laughs and leans back in the chair. "I know he may not seem like he can take anything seriously but when it comes to you and the security around you. Trust him, cause I do"he nods and stands up.

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