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"Marie!" Jefferson yells out to the large green field. He had been calling for the children for almost five minutes and knew that their parents would be annoyed if he waited any longer.

"William!" He yells for the first born.

"Jefferson is calling us" Susanna Marshall speaks up to her older sister whom was sitting in a tree. "Mama and Papa will get mad" she says.

"Will you live a bit Susanna, the view is amazing from up here" Marie rolls her eyes at her eight year old sister.

"Jefferson is calling" Susanna reminds her stubborn headed twelve year old sister. She sighs.

"You are no fun" Marie sighs.

"Marie" a new voice says. Marie brings her head down the hill to see William and Thomas walking up with fake swords.  "What are you doing in a tree?" Marie's triplet older brother questions.

"Clearly not having fun that is" Marie sighs before jumping down from the branch.

"William!" Jefferson calls again.

"Come along sisters" William says to his younger sisters "better not let mother see your stockings Marie" he chastised to his triplet.

Marie follows the best friends as Susanna runs up the hill ahead of them three, Marie dusts her blue and white dress down.

"Did you five not hear me the first time I yelled?" Jefferson questions as he lifts up the six year old who reached him first.

"We had been playing down the hill" William compromises. Jefferson turns to his goddaughter and raises his eyebrows, Marie nods.

"And where did you get that hole in your stocking?" Jefferson questions Marie.

"It is my fault, I pushed her over by accident" Thomas speaks up. Jefferson nods.

"Come along, your parents are already waiting" he says and guides the kids into the dinning room. There was no time to change Marie's stocking so she had hid behind her triplet and god father.

"Well there are my children" Cole chuckles as all his kids trickle into the dinning room.

"Did you get lost?" Scarlett questions as she watched the kids settle into their seats at the dinning table.

"No" William and Marie answer quickly. Cole sets Nicholas, the youngest Marshall who had just turned five years old no later then last week.

"Is it alright if I meet Helena at the market?" Marie questions her father and mother. She knew the answer was yes but opted to ask before running out without permission.

"Of course" Scarlett nods "do take your brother and Thomas" The queen tells her daughter.

"Thomas has to go back home for the afternoon" William speaks in hopes he will not be dragged along.

"Well that just means you have no problem spending the afternoon with Marie and Helena" Cole raises his eyebrow at his eldest son. The younger kids snicker and giggle.

"I suppose not" William sighs and picks at his lunch.

"I will give you money" Scarlett says assuring William he will have a good afternoon.

The family plus Thomas soon finished lunch and the older kids were headed out, Thomas running ahead of them before they even left to palace to go home.

"Are you sure you two don't need me to come?" Jefferson asks as he follows the triplets down the stairs and towards the gate.

"We are sure Jefferson, merci" Marie smiles at her godfather. He looks between the two before handing William his walkie, something he had always done.

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