Getting Better

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I let out a little gasp, not remembering where I was. Sitting up, I peered around the room I was in. It contained all dark wood furniture and a window on the opposite wall was open, letting in cold air. A shiver ran up my spin so I closed the window. I felt under my eyes again and angrily whiped at my face till I could no longer feel the shameful marks. It took me a few, disoriented moments but soon I had remembered that I was in Liam's room.

I scanned the room a second time, letting my eyes roam over the light blue bedspread, the brown swirls on the walls, the dark wood dresser, and the comfortable looking chair in the corner, a different shade of light blue. No Liam. Confused, I wandered out of the quaint bedroom out towards the living room.

As soon as I set foot in the room, my eyes fell on Liam's sleeping figure on his couch. I shook my head in disappointment and quickly woke him up. I gave him a few moments to yawn and stretch. Once I thought he was awake enough, I found my voice.

"You didn't have to sleep out here."

"Maybe I wanted to." He smiled and earned a frown from me. His smile then faltered and turned downwards. "You cry a lot." Looking down in embaressment, I swiped my fingers under my eyes again. My fingers now contained dry makeup left from the previous night.

"I didn't used to. I wish I didn't." I answered honestly meeting Liam's gaze. He frowned for a moment but quickly recovered his adorable smile.

"Want some pancakes?"

-----------------1 Week Later--------------

"Wait, so when is the album released?" I asked Liam again, confirming what he had already explained.

"It's release date is in three weeks on Wednesday," He spoke slowly, trying to make me understand, "That Friday is the first concert. Erika and Kiani will be here then, understand now?"

I answered his rhetorical question with a dumb face, "Yeeeeees! I just didn't understand at first!"

Laughing at my slowness, we both continued eating our chicken. "How has your first week of work been?" I made another face, earning more laughter from Liam.

"Well come on.. I haven't worked in years and now all of a sudden I'm working." Liam stared at me with amusment, "Okay, that sounded really dumb, but I think you get it." By now my stomach was hurting from laughing at myself so much.

"You haven't cried in a week." Liam pointed out.

"I'm happier with you." I smiled at him.

>Liam's POV<

I let her dazzling smile take me over. Of course she was happy with me. She was happy because she's busy. She's too busy now working at Topshop to worry about twitter hate or the boys or anything. But it followed me around everywhere. Each day was hell. I stood in a room with 4 of my 'best mates' all of whom were completely against me. It really sucked. But it was worth kissing her beautiful face everytime I came home.

Audrey stood and took my plate from me, placing it on top of hers. She proceeded to the kitchen to clean up. After she left, I got an unexpected call.

"Simon?" I asked, into the speaker.

"Hello Liam, how have you been."

"Uhh, pretty good. Is there something wrong?"

"Liam, are you busy tomorrow around one? Could you possibly come in for a meeting."

"Sure, I guess. Why?" Audrey came back in the room and looked at me curiously.

"It's about Audrey." With that, Simon hung up.

'Who was that?" Curiousity etched across the lines in Audrey's face.

"No one. It was nothing important." I shrugged off her questions by giving her a peck on the cheek. "I'm gonna grab a shower."

As I walked out of my room, I thought about how big of a lie that was. In all honesty, it was very important. I had absoluetly no doubt that Simon would tell me that I needed to say goodbye to Audrey and get Danielle back. Getting in the shower, I smirked to myself, already knowing what I would say. No way in Hell, Simon.

>Audrey's POV<

After I had cleaned up dinner, I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone. I hadn't communicated with anyone in the US in awhile so I texted both Kiani and Erika. We talked for awhile about random things, mostly our boyfriends. This has been the first time we've all had boyfriends at the same time. Both Kiani and Erika seemed really pleased and happy with Zayn and Harry. I realized that over the past week, living with Liam had made me happier too. Ever since I first met him he's made everything seem easier. He always knows how to make me laugh, even when I'm cranky after work. Liam was right, I haven't cried in a week. Finally I felt like I could be happy again, I felt like things were getting better.

In the bathroom attached to our bedroom, I heard Liam shut off the water and smiled to myself. The clock on my phone said 9:30 so I said goodbye to both Erika and Kiani and went to get ready for bed. After 10 minutes of putting on pajamas, brushing my teeth, and washing my face, I climbed under the warm blankets. I felt Liam's arms snake around me as I found a comfortable spot.

"Goodnight, Liam." I mumbled and fell asleep peacefully before he could reply.

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