The Payne Family

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>Audrey's POV<

"Are you ready?" Liam asked. I looked from the door to Liam's outstreched hand and shook my head. Liam laughed at me, as I smoothed out my flowery sundress.

"There is nothing to worry about, my family is never judgemental about anything."

To be honest, I was absolutely TERRIFIED of meeting Liam's family, what were they going to think of me? Part of me wished Liam would just let me stay at the hotel I had been in for the past two nights. However, I felt horrible about Liam paying for it. Over the past couple of days, I had actually been applying for jobs. Hopefully soon, I would be able to buy my own house and then... I really don't know what I'd do then but I know I'll figure something out when I get there.

Liam looped his arm through mine and gave me a reassuring smile.

"If it makes you feel any better, you look beautiful." With that, he rang the door bell. Within two seconds a lady appeared at the door. Instantey I knew it was Liam's mom, Karen. Her and her son shared some similar features, such as their noises. "Mom, this is Audrey." Liam introduced me, "and this is my mom, Karen."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled, and shook her hand.

"You as well."  She had an obvious fake smile on her face as she shook my hand. Great. I felt Liam tense up as Karen walked back into the house without another word to us.

>Liam's POV<

Audrey turned to me, "What's wrong." I just shook my head and kissed her on the cheek. When mum had met Danielle, she had given her the biggest hug ever and had loved her from the start, why wasn't she treating Audrey the same way. Then I remembered what this looked like, it looks like I'm cheating on my girlfriend. At times, I guess I forget that the rest of the world didn't know about Danielle cheating on me. I started feeling nervous, anxious, and a bit queasy. Leading Audrey into the house, I looked around expecting a hug or something, but no one was there. Mum hadn't even said one word to me and I haven't seen her in a month. Audrey was looking around our little entrance hall but I was too worried to show her anything or tell stories of certain memories like I usually would.

With her following, I walked into the kitchen. Ruth was standing at the stove pouring noodles into a bowel. Mum walked in from the dining room, "Why don't you two go sit down." Ruth looked up, she smiked at us and then turned her attention back to the stove. At this point, I was really getting irritated. Grabbing Audrey's hand, I stormed into the dining room, where Nicola was sitting at the dining room table. I sat across from her and Audrey sat next to me.

"Are you going to ignore us too?" I asked her.

"I can do without the sassiness, thank you." She said with a smile, that reassured me. "Hi, I'm Nicola."

"I'm Audrey." Audrey smiled at her. Leave it to Nicola, to fix everything. I smiled at my older sister as she chatted with Audrey until Mum and Ruth came in. All of a sudden the room was incredibly awkward. We forced conversation for a few minuts until Mum asked the one question, I silently hoped no one would ask.

"So Audrey, what do you do for a living?" I choked on the bite of pasta, I had just put into my mouth. Oh god, oh god, oh god!!!!! Audrey looked like she was about to have a heart attack.

"Uh, well since I just moved out here, I don't really have a job yet, but I'm working on it. I've already applied to a few places." And a terrific save by Audrey. I took a breath and continued eating. My mum seemed satisfied with her answer but of course, Ruth just had to press on..

"So what did you do in New York." I stopped chewing and stared at Audrey. She was growing more nervous by the second and she knew she couldn't escape this time, I could tell.

"Actually, I- uhh." She stuttered, searching for a good enough answer. "I umm, didn't have a job." As she stared down at her plate, I gave her hand a tight squeeze under the table."

"Basically you just lived off other peoples money there too, then?" Ruth asked, giving her a dirty look. Nicola kicked her under the table. I noticed my mum was unusually quiet as she stared at her plate.

"I lived with two friends... They were trying to help me figure out my life." Audrey, unnecessarily continued. A thought striked through my head as she said this and I made a mental note to ask her about it later. Ruth mutter a hmmm as she continued to stare at Audrey. I noticed my mum eyeing Audrey's plate, so I looke down too. It was almost full, oh crap! How could I forget that Audrey HATED pasta! It was like the first thing she told me. Things could not get worst. I dropped my fork.

"I'm gonna give Audrey a tour of the house." I said standing up. She stood too and followed me out. Practically running, we rushed upstairs to my room. As soon as the door was closed, I started apologizing insanely. Once I stopped, I waited a good five minutes for her to say something, but she didn't. So I silently exited the room and made my way downstairs. Nicola, Ruth, and Mum were cleaning up so I quietly joined them.

"What do you even like about her?" Ruth asked as she put a plate in the dishwasher. I sent her an evil glare.

"You know nothing about her."

"Well she certaniely isn't good with first impressions." Mum said as she wipped down the table. Furious I threw the fork I was washing into the basin of the sink.

"You don't give her a chance!" I spat.

"So far, I've learned three things about her: She's a gold digger, a slag, and she's anorexic." Ruth stated, holding up Audrey's almost full plate. At that moment, of course, Audrey walked in.

"Or I was having a hard time and I needed a little help, one of the reasons I'm in the UK away from America. For your information, I hate pasta. And also, maybe if you payed an ounce of attention to Liam, maybe if you actually greeted him when he came home from being gone for awhile and actually had a decent conversation with him, you would know something about his relationship with Danielle. But you don't know anything about her or about me or this...whatever it is!" Audrey said with a fiestiness that I didn't know she had in her. Everyone in the room was staring at Audrey and Ruth.

"All I need to know is that you're using my brother." I guess this crossed some kind of boundry for Audrey because I saw a few tears in her eyes.

"I gave up everything to be here, simply because he wants me to." She stated simply and walked out of my house. I stared at my families shocked expressions with pleasure and walked out of my own house without a single goodbye.

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