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Shaking. My whole entire body was shaking, from my toes to my head. My hands on the leather steering wheel were shaking, putting me in danger of an accident. I couldn't get my mind to grasp the idea that Danielle was leaving me. One word kept popping into my head.


Why was she leaving? Why give up when I tried so hard to hold on? Why leave, when she cheated on me and I stayed? It wasn't fair. Not to me, not to herself, and not to Audrey. Audrey. I need to stop thinking of her.

Finally, I slowly pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. For a few seconds, I stood there. I debated getting back into my car and goign back to the signing. Just letting her leave would actually be really simple, but I could NOT let it end that way. As I stood in the driveway, I started thinking of everything, and I do mean everything. I started with the sad, recent memories, the depressing ones. Our last date, our last kiss, the simple, dry conversations we've been having. But then after thinking of all the lasts, I started to think of the firsts. The first time we met on X Factor, our first date, meeting each others families and friends, talking for hours on end, the goodnight texts, our first kiss, the first I love you's. I smiled at the amazing memories and remembered why I pushed aside the cheating. She was not leaving me.

I ran up the front steps and inside our little house. Everything in the living room looked normal, but i heard a quiet shuffling. Chasing the noise down, it lead me to our bedroom. I walked right in. The first thing I saw was the suitcase on the end of the bed, almost full. My eyes shot to the practically bare closet and then to Dani. I had caught her in the middle of stuffing her suitcase but my unexpected entrance made her stop. She was crying and by the looks of it, had been for awhile. By instinct, I ran right over to her and envoleped her in a huge hug. For a minute, it was like old times. I held her while she cried and kissed her on the head every now and again and told her it would be okay. But it wans't old times. It wasn't gonna be okay.

Letting go of her, I stared at her open suitcase, awkwardly. "Why are you doing this to me? Cheat on me and then leave me? What did I do?" I finally asked.

She shook her head and cried some more. "I thought we could get over the cheating but then someone else came into the picture." Dani zipped up her suitcase and set it on the floor. The way she looked at me, explained everything.

"How did you find out about Audrey?"

"Sometimes I think you forget that one of your best friends is dating my best friends." My body stiffened causing Danielle to sigh, "Listen, don't be mad at Eleanor, or Louis, or Audrey, or me, or yourself. Liam, this isn't anyones fault. It's just..." She grabbed her phone and the handle to her suitcase, took a breath and looked at me with horrifiyingly sad eyes, "goodbye."

I followed as she went into the hallway, then to the door. Without a hestiation, she walked out of our door like it was nothing and put her suitcase in the trunk. While I stayed in pursuit. Before she opened her car door, I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. I kissed her goodbye. Instantely realizing that it had changed. We had changed. I let her go and ran inside. I never stopped to look at her and while I ran, I didn't look back. But once inside, I stood at the window next to the front door and watched her. Watched my girlfriend leave me. Seconds after she left, I got a text.

From Dani<3: I really did love you.

...End of Flashback

After finishing up my story, I observed everyones reactions. Niall, Harry, and Zayn all looked at me sadly and with compassion. Audrey stared down at the bed.

"By the way, Audrey, I saw what you tweeted." I smiled, refering to her #TeamDanielle tweet. She looked at me brightly with the smile I love to see.

--------Author's Note--------

I would just like to let everyone know, that I don't mean to offend Danielle in any parts of my story. I dont' think she'd actually cheat on Liam and I ship Payzer(:

xx, Ashley

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