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>Audrey's POV<

I heard Liam running after me but I didn't care. Continuing running, I made it to the car and pressed my forehead on the cool top of it. Liam's fast footsteps came to a hault behind me so I lifted my head and spun around. He stared at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Can I borrow the car? I just want to be by myself for a bit." I claimed, pointing at the car behind my back. He nodded and turned back to the building without another word.

Moving around to the other side of the expensive car, I slipped in behind the wheel. I pulled my iPhone out of my pocket and opened up my twitter app.


It trended. It flooded my mentions and even my timeline. The world thought I was a skank. A hoe. A whore. A slut. A slag. A homewrecker.

@KatieKane: I'm even ashamed to say I'm your sister. #AudreyIsAHomewrecker

I threw my phone aside and laid my head on the steering wheel. I let the tears I had held in fall and I sobbed uncontrollably.

Do you know how it feels to have someone dislike you? That one person, for some reason, all of a sudden matters too much. You want them to love you but you don't know how. This is like that, except 7 million people hate me. Why? Because I'm dating a celebrity.

At the same time, it's not their fault. They don't know everything so I can see their point of view. Bu it feels like I'm being stabbed in the heart, repeatedly. And I can't change this.

After 20 minutes, I was fed up. So I gripped the steering wheel tightly and drove.

>Liam's POV<

I stood in the doorway of our house, waiting. Audrey slammed the car door and came up to me. The gauzy type bandage on her wrist was pretty obvious so I grabbed her arm and pulled it back. My mouth fell. In beautiful cursive handwriting, there stood one permanent word, Homewrecker.

"Audrey.." I stared at her glossy eyes. Even when her facial expressions give away nothing, her eyes never fail me. Their was pain in them. She had been on twitter, seen the hate. "This word doesn't define you."

"According to the world it does." She pulled away and let herself inside.

>Audrey's POV<

I tried to focus on the movie I was watching but Liam just stared at my wrist. It got so annoying that I couldn't handle it, "What?"

"You know that's permanent right? You can't get rid of it." Sighing in frustration, I shut off the horror film and turned my attention to Liam, who scooted closer to me on the sofa.

"Obviously. But I'm also always gonna be the girl who broke up 'Payzer'. Aren't I?" Liam's puppy dog eyes kill me... "Sorry, it's not your fault. I should just suck it up." He shook his head and pulled my body into him. Liam smelt absolutely delicious and I relaxed myself.

"It's okay to be upset over twitter hate. You're human."

I hadn't felt like crying a minute ago but Liam saying that reminded me f the sting from earlier and all those people telling me I was a whore. So I let it out on his shoulder.

I cried for a good ten minutes, then pulled away. Liam wiped the stray tears from under my eyes and forced me to look him in the eyes.

"You are not a homewrecker. Not matter what they say. You are so much better than that and you know that." I nodded my head but still felt like shit.

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