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A few minutes after Liam left, the boys needed to do the second half of their meet and greet so I was left alone in the back room. For awhile I just sat there and worried. Was Danielle leaving because of me? Did she know about me being in the UK? Would she even consider leaving if Liam and I had never met? Eventually I decided to go on twitter. Opening it up on my phone, I realized that she had to know. Literally everyone was talking about us. Every gossip type colomn, blog, show or magazine were tweeting about us. Everyone from Perez Hilton to Tyler Oakley E! and everyone in between. I was absolutely terrified of looking at my mentions, but my curiosity got the better of me.

@MrsMalik900: If @Audrey_Kane doesn't go back home soon and stop fucking with Payzer, someone's dead.

@LouisCarrotQueen: Is it bad that I actually like @Audrey_Kane and Liam..? #TeamAudrey

@Crazy_Directioner01: @Audrey_Kane cannot be more of a slut... #TeamDanielle

For every hate comment, there was at least one person who liked me better than Danielle. Directioners were treating this as a love triangle or something. Both #TeamAudrey and #TeamDanielle were trending, so was #LiamChooseOne. I didn't know if tweeting something would be a good thing or bad thing but I felt like this whole thing was disrespectful to Liam and Danielle's relationship.

@Audrey_Kane: #TeamDanielle

I watched everyone freak out over my tweet. Within two minutes it had 11,065 retweets. The whole Danielle vs. Me thing started dying down. Until someone posted pictures. Pictures of Danielle and Liam outside their house. In the picture, Danielle was putting suitcases into her car and Liam was trying to talk to her. I knew it was from today because Liam was wearing the same jeans and grey t-shirt from earlier. I logged out, too afraid of the things all those fangirls would say next.

----------2 hours later----------

"Zayn, keep an eye on Audrey." Paul said as we prepared to leave the safety of the building. To say I was terrified to go out in the sea of fangirls was an understatement. My insane claustrophobia doesn't really help either. The door opened and I saw Louis whisper something in Zayn's ear and he smiled. I swear, half a second before the door opened, they both took a glance at me. Paul spoke, "1...2...3"

We were pushed out of the building, quickly.

Zayn did not keep an eye on me. Almost immediately, all the boys were out of my sight. All I saw around me were flashing lights and too many noises for my brain to even comprehend what to do. So much screaming, so many flashing cameras, too many directioners. They crowded around me and instantely, I was laying on the ground. I went into a panic attack as I felt the many bodies around me. Shoes stepped on me. My leg, my ankle, my stomach, my arms, even my face. My entire body lit up in agonizing pain that wouldn't end. I tried to scream, tried to yell for Liam, even though I knew he wasn't there. I heard the sound of my name being screamed by so many different girls and then passed out.

>Liam's POV<  

I silently stared out the window. I had been here for three hours, just staring at the spot in the driveway that her white BMW had been parked next to my navy blue camero for three and half years. For three fucking hours, I had tried to force at least one tear to fall, but the tears just weren't there. The usual sting of disappointment was gone. Willing yourself to cry is impossible, just like forcing yourself not to fall in love or just trying really hard not to. The girl who threw me a surpirse birthday party, who has been through everything with me, who I used to think about everytime I sang, who told me she loved me...The girl that I was supposed to be madly in love with, walked out my door three hours ago. My phone started ringing in my hand and I contemplated picking it up. Still staring at the spot in my driveway, I answered. "Hello." I mumbled almost inaudible into the phone. The sentance that came out of Harry Styles mouth, made me drop my phone to the floor.

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