Black Day

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>Liam's POV<

"Harry, again, thanks so much for driving me." Harry and I stood at the gate waiting for my flight to be called.

"No problem, mate. Give Audrey a hug for me, this must be horribly tough for her."

I sighed, "I think she'll be fine. She just needs support." Harry nodded his curly head in agreement.

"Flight 362 to New York, now boarding."

"See you, bro." I turned and headed towards gate 6.


I pulled up to a little house type thingy, right outside the gates, where I professional looking man sat behind an open window in a suit, his hair slicked back.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"I'm supposed to be going to a funeral for a Mr. Kane." I checked the time on my dash, "but I suppose I'm a little late." Hopefully, he'd let me through. Let's just say I wasn't necessarily 'invited' to Audrey's dads funeral, but I needed to be there for my girlfriend.

After rummaging through some papers, the man found the one he was looking for and skimmed over it.

"Ahh, yes. You aren't too late, sir. The proceedings should be taking place back over there." He directed me with his hand, "You'll be able to see it better once you get closer."

The huge gate in front of me opened up and I lurched the rental car forward cautiously. Slowly, I made my way towards the left, back corner of the graveyard. Shivers ran down my spine as I looked out and saw row after row of tombstones. Tombstones that marked the place where dead bodies layed forever buried. More shivers ran through me like lightning.

Audrey's dad was buried farther away from all the other tombstones, slightly secluded. He was in the very corner. I pulled onto the side of the road, right behind the car I recognize as Audrey, Kiani, and Erika's.

I don't like cemetery's. Not one bit. Smoothing out my black suit, I got out of my car and headed through the empty part of this field towards the procession. Audrey's mom and sister were walking towards me. Both looking down, both with unreadable expressions. I stopped in my tracks and watched them. One had lost her father, one had lost her husband. But neither member of this broken family seemed upset. They were probably even a bit relieved. As they passed by me, each gave me a nod. I waved and continued.

Again, I was stopped right in my tracks. Right before me, was just plain beauty. Not the pretty kind of beauty, the kind that somehow interests you and draws you in. It was the eerie and frighteningly creepy kind. There was a red carpet laid out, like the kind famous people walk on. On both sides sat a few rows of foldable chairs. In the back corner of the left side, sat Erika and Kiani with their heads solemnly down. Those were the only people sitting. The red isle led to his dark wooded casket. Audrey stood perfectly in the center of the isle, right in front of her fathers casket. Her back was to me. Wind rustled her black dress and moved some of the little hair that was sticking out from her curly bun. Her hand grasped her little brothers hand tightly, protectively. His small figure was dressed in a black suit, much like the one I had on. It didn't look like reality. So picture perfect, that it could've been a movie.

Kiani and Erika heard my slow approach and came to greet me.

"What are you doing here?" Erika asked.

"I'm surprising Audrey." Kiani nodded at my response and both girls turned to look at Audrey. I walked down the carpet. The set up was like a wedding, except this isle, was stained red. I wonder if they did that on purpose. My hand touched the lacey texture of Audrey's dress, her back felt stiff and tense. She knew I was there but she kept all her attention on the casket before us. I studied her face. It held no emotion at all. Not a glint of sadness, not a glint of happiness, no relief or worry. It was perfectly plain and perfectly beautiful.

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