Call Me Maybe

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Erika walked in first with Kiani closely behind and me, a few steps back. All of the guys were on their phones around the room. I tryed to keep myself from laughing at these boys attachment to their iPhones. Kiani coughed loudly to get their attention and I felt five boys eyes on us as I turned my head to the ground. I didn't want to look anyone in the eyes right now. Particularly a brown haired, brown eyed boy who was on a leather couch only five feet away from me.

"Hey!" I heard Harry's voice close to where I stood. I turned my attention from the floor to Kiani and Erika, both hugging their boyfriends.

"We wanted to surprise you guys so we bought you some Bahama Bucks!" Erika said excitedly.

"What is that?" Louis asked. He was right next to me, I could feel his eyes staring but I refused to look at him after the odd text I had gotten this morning. Erika's mouth fell to the floor, Bahama Bucks was like her life.

"Is it food?" Niall asked peering down at the styrofoam tray Kiani had set down on a table.


"Well then it's good enough for me!" Niall smiled and took one.

All the guys crossed over to go get theirs and I watched each of them take one. Liam was last and I noticed a little too late that only four cups fit on that tray. I was holding the last one. He turned and looked at me, slowly coming towards me unsure. I'm pretty sure everyone was staring at us. When he got to me, he didn't take it. He just stood in front of me and stared at me which made me extremely uncomfortable. I handed the cup to him with my eyes on the floor again. Liam took it and kissed me on the cheek. In front of everyone. I turned to see their reactions. Louis looked pissed, Erika and Kiani both looked shocked but pleased, Harry looked confused, Zayn and Niall both just looked down at the floor awkwardly. We were all kind of just standing there not sure what to do or say. Very awkward, indeed.

"Can I talk to you?" Liam asked pointing to the door. I looked from the door to him and then at Louis, who still looked like he wanted to murder someone. What's his deal?

"I actually- uh have to go.." I muttered uncovincingly and walked out without saying another word.

As I got in the elevator, my mind just continued to spin. Why was Louis so mad about me and Liam being close? I don't even think Liam has noticed that. Liam kissed me, ditched me, kissed me again, and then thought I would just talk to him? I'm a little hurt by that. Does he just think he can play me like that? Does he even care about me? All of these questions were running through my head as I walked out of the huge building. I sat down and on a bench outside and let out the breath I had been holding.

"Hey." I heard a voice behind me and turned to see a gorgeous brunette with wavy brown hair. She was dressed in a yellow sundress that made her eyes pop. "Can I sit?" She asked, I nodded.

"You're Audrey right? The guys have told me a bit about you. I'm Carly." I knew who she was and I knew that the guys were recording with her, but I was kind of shocked to see her sitting next to me. The fact that it was Carly Rae Jepsen didn't really phase me, thanks to Kiani, I've met plenty of celebrities, however I wasn't really expecting her to know me.

"What did they tell you about me?" I asked interested. She laughed at my curiousness, "Nothing bad." She chuckled again, then added, "When Liam said you were gorgeous I thought he was exaggerating."

I felt my cheeks go red. "uh..Thanks." I mumbled and looked down.

"I know I just met you, but if you don't mind me asking.." She bit her lip and looked at me unsure.

"Do you want my number so you can call me maybe?" I referenced her hit song. She laughed and then continued, "No, I wanted to know what's wrong." I looked at her unsure.

She was a stranger but maybe I just needed someone elses point of view on the subject. Plus, she knew the guys so she would understand. I explained everything to her, from yesterday morning to right now. Carly was really easy to talk to, she didn't jump in or stop me, she just sat there and listened. Once I was done ranting we both just sat there for a second on the bench and watced the New York traffic go by.

"What makes you more upset? Louis acting like he doesn't want you around or Liam acting like last night didn't happen?" She asked. I thought about her question for a minute. I wasn't really upset, just confused.

"I don't know. I just want to understand what's going on." She looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"I say you talk to them, before they leave." I think Carly planned to say more but she got interrupted by her phone ringing. She looked at the caller ID.

"Shit.." She mumbled and stood up quickly, "I need to get back inside, are you coming?" She asked. Maybe it would be a good idea to talk to Liam or Louis. Or both. But I shook my head. All I wanted to do was leave. I sat on the bench for a little bit longer while Carly ran inside. After a few minutes, I stood up and went to the side of the street and grabbed a taxi. I gave the taxi driver my address and we left.

Once I got out at my house and went inside, I sat on the couch for a couple minutes before pulling out my phone. I had a few new texts.

From Erika: What just happened?

From Kiani: Are you okay?

From Harry: Where did you go.

From Liam: Are you mad at me or something?

From Louis: Thanks.

I felt tears in the corners of my eyes as I realized that I might have just made this situation worse by leaving the studio so abruptly.

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