Liam's Speech..

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When I woke up, I rolled over. Erika wasn't next to me so I figure she has work today. I got out of bed and slipped on a hoodie that was laying on the floor. Checking every room, I realized I was alone. Again. I really have no clue why I have no job or why Kiani and Erika haven't kicked me out yet but I guess it may be because we've known each other forever and I've been using Erika for Dr. Pepper and food since we were like 14. Just kidding, kinda.

Since I had nothing better to do, I decided to go on twitter. The second I opened up my laptop as I sat on the couch, criss cross style, I regreted it. All the memories and thoughts from last night came back with a rush and I facepalmed myself for even forgetting. Feeling a couple tears forming I brushed them away and quickly closed my laptop. No way was I going to waste another tear on that boy. Liam has a girlfriend and soon enough he's going back to London where they'll live happily ever after and all that shit. Wait, when are the guys going back? I thought to myself as I pulled out my phone from my hoodie pocket. I stared at it in shock. Wow, time flew. The boys would be leaving this weekend. For some reason, my heart sank. I knew I was going to miss them and their unique personalities. I felt more tears coming. Why am I all emotional all of a sudden? I looked back down at the date on my phone and stared for a few seconds, trying to control my thoughts. Then I realized the day. It was wednesday. Me, Erika, and Kiani always go for lunch at noon on wednesdays.. and when either of them are away, we skype for lunch. It's a ritual and a habit. I checked the time. Three in the afternoon. First off, wow I slept a lot. Second, whta the hell. Quickly I dialed Kiani's number. Waiting I got up and checkd the apartment again. No answer. As I walked out of Kiani's room, I tried Erika's phone. No answer again. Where are they.

I ran out the front door without thinking and found our car gone. Maybe they're just busy. But then again, I'm pretty sure they would have told me. I hailed a taxi and hopped in, not really sure of where to go.

"Where to, miss?" The driver asked in a thick New York accent.

"Uhhh.. Will you take me to the Hilton.." I said unsure.

"The one on 42nd?" He asked for clarification. I gave a nod from the backseat, then realized he couldn't see.


Mentally I was screaming at myself as we drove. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I going back there after last night. Why would I want to see any of the guys? But Erika, Kiani and I are like triplets. We almost have a sixth sense when it comes to each other and I have a hunch that they're there. Just like I had a hunch that the guys, or at least Liam and Louis were keeping something from me. My throat went dry, but I refuse to cry.

Once the taxi pulled up to the front of the Hilton, I payed my fair and got out of the car. I ran up the front steps and inside where I followed the same path I had last night, up to the boys hotel room.

I paused outside the door and listened intently. I heard voices through the door. I leaned slightly against the door and it popped open with an almost inaudible noise. I held my breath and looked up. Taking one cautious step after another, I found myself in the hallway of the huge suite. I could clearly hear the voices in the living room.

"You couldn't have just told her?" The voice belonged to Kiani. There was a pause. "Can I please just go back to rehearsal." I heard a thick british accented voice say.

"Why do you want to make it look like it's Audrey's fault, Liam!" I heard Erika hiss. At least I have to amazing friends who have my back here because obviously, none of the guys do.

"Kiani, you get it, right?" Liam pleaded. "I mean, remember when you and Justin Bieber had a thing and you had to pretend like it never happened because he was dating Selena. This is like the same thing!"

"How the hell do you know about that?!" Kiani cried. No one, and I mean no one on this planet is supposed to know about that.

"Well when he's best friends with one of your bandmates, you kind of just know things, I suppose." Liam said. I heard moving around and knew I should run. But I just couldn't.

"We should get going. We already missed lunch with Audrey and I'm late for a meeting." Kiani said as my two friends turned the corner and stopped right in their tracks.

"How long have you been there?" Erika questioned. Liam came up behind them. God, did he really have to choose today to wear plaid..This boy will be the death of me. I looked him in the eye and saw that his face was full of sympathy and hurt. I felt my eyes tear up for the third time today.

"Can I talk to Liam?" I asked Kiani and Erika. I needed to fix this, before he left. My girls nodded and quickly escaped the tension filled room.

"You weren't supposed to hear that." Liam stated.

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to find Erika and Kian-" He cut me off with a shake of his head and a simple "No." I watched as Liam, uneasily looked down, then up. Took a breath and looked me right in the eyes.

"No, what I meant was, you weren't supposed to hear me and Danielle's conversation last night. I never wanted to hurt you and I never wanted to hurt her either but it was like I had no choice. Someone was going to get hurt." Liam was slowly taking steps closer and closer to me and slowly I was stepping back. He wouldn't take his stunning brown eyes off of my blue ones and stared at them so intentally that I was slightly uncomfortable. But all I was focusing on were the words coming out of his mouth. "Danielle and I have been together almost since the beginning of all of this."

"Why are you telling me this?" It could barely pass for a whisper because I was trying harder than I ever have not to cry. But it was no use, tears escaped my eyes and were now pouring down my face.

"Just let me finish. Like I said, together forever. She was there for me through X Factor. Through twitter hate. She was there for the Olympics and our album release. VMA's. Everything! And I love her more than I've ever loved anyhting on this entire planet and that's saying something." Each word he said, stung a little more than the last. I shook my head violently, silently begging him to stop. I closed my eyes away from those amazing brown ones that had been staring into mine.

"I know you don't believe in love. From the way you talked about it the first time I said I loved her but trust me, I loved her." I couldn't take anymore. Turning away from this boy who was hurting me verbally to no extent, I tried to run to the door, but his strong hand grabbed ahold of my arm and I didn't try to fight. I wasn't going to escape, there was no point trying. Liam turned me around so that I could face him.

"There's a reason I'm saying all this." He said more calmly than the other sentances that had flew out of his mouth like knives. Tears were starting to come out of his own eyes now too and he released my arm. But he put his hands gently on the warm skin of my cheeks and used his thumb to brush away the tears under my eyes. Now we were staring into each others eyes again and there was no escaping him or his words. "Since the first day I met you, I haven't thought of her once, but I can't get you off my mind." With that last thought, to end his speech, Liam kissed me.


Ahhh I love you <3 So really fast, first what do you guys think so far?? Any thoughts, critisicsm, compliments or suggestions? Comment please(: Also, I think Erika deserves around of applause, considering she actually, finally decided to clean her room. Pretty sure I've never seen her floor! Anyways, go check out her brand new fan fic, I Feel Like Alyss in Wonderland. I am absolutely obsessed! It's brilliant! Anyways (wow, I say that a lot) fan, vote, comment!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! :-)

xx, Ashley <3

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