Make Her See

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>Liam's POV<

Shit. Where could she have gone. My feet slapped down on the black, wet pavement, as I frantically searched for Audrey. I had only been looking for about two minutes but I was already soaked. The fact that it was dark and I couldn't see my hand if I were to hold it up in front of my face, doesn't really help much either. After walking down the London street for a few minutes, I had made it to the park. It wasn't much of a park, more like a huge field of open grass. Dani and I used to walk down here with our dog all the time. Okay, stop Liam. This is not good, Audrey's gone.

At that moment, I noticed a figure sitting on a bench a while away, illuminated by the street lamp behind the bench. Audrey. I made my way over to where she sat. Audrey's head snapped in my direction as I approached. I kept my mouth shut tight and didn't say anything, afraid of scaring her away again. Instead, I held out my hand for her. With a sigh, she took it and stood. Quickly, I pulled her into my side and we walked home together.

Once inside the warm house, neither of us said anything. We just changed out of our dry clothes. I let myself fall onto the couch in sweatpants and a T-shirt and waited for Audrey.

Twenty minutes later, she wasn't out of our room yet. Worried, I picked myself up and crept down the hallway. I found Audrey, laying in bed wearing a big sweater and nothing else. I went over to her side of the bed and kissed her cheek. A stray tear sat on her cheek. I hadn't realized she had been crying. I frowned to myself. Was it me or her dad? I wasn't trying to hurt her, I had just forgotten who she was and what she had gone through for a second. I pulled her iPhone out of her hand. The abrupt movement, woke her.

She wiped her eyes and sat up.

"Sorry, I just-" She let out a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. I stared into her blue eyes and got lost. They were the kind of eyes that you could sit there and stare at for hours. The kind that seemed slightly mysterious that could hold my attention. She looked down and I snapped out of it. "I'm really, really sorry Liam. I didn't mean to make you feel like I don't care about you or anything." I could here her voice break and knew she was on the verge of tears. Her eyes captivated all my attention once again. "Because you mean the entire world to me." A tear came crashing down from the corner of my eye. I didn't say anything, I just leaned in and kissed her, hard.

Instantely, she kissed me back. She wrapped her arms around my neck, while I wrapped mine around her waist. I pushed her body away from the edge of our bed and pulled myself on. Audrey didn't need to tell me she loved me, I knew. I knew from the way she kissed me, as if I was everything to her. Or at least everything she needs. Our kiss was passionate but held a deeper meaning. A meaning that no one else would understand.

That was my favorite part of falling in love. It's yours. Only yours. This relationship was one that only Audrey and I could understand. My band, they didn't get it. Neither did my fans or my family. No one else would ever be able to feel this love because it belonged to Audrey and I. That's it. They can't take it away from us no matter how hard they tried.

I realized then that love didn't require words. You don't have to tell someone you love them for them to know. Love was something you could feel. I was going to let Audrey know that I love her. In every single way I possibly could. It doesn't matter if it takes the rest of my life. I could easily spend forever trying to convince her. Whether I meant to or not, I had fallen for Audrey and I would never stop until she knew.

I felt Audrey pull away. The taste of her lips lingered on my mouth and I forced myself not to kiss her again.

"I have work tomorrow. I need sleep." She whispered. I nodded in agreement, knowing I had rehearsal tomorrow. I pecked her on the lips one last time and said goodnight. She layed down and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me.

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