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This situation could not get any worse. Once Kiani and Erika came home from the studio, they wouldn't leave me alone. They've asked me at least a million questions and it was driving me insane! To top it off, the boys were completely blowing up my phone to the point where I just turned it off. They are all driving me crazy!

I turned on my computer, hoping to clear my head a little as I logged onto twitter. The first thing I noticed was my followers. I had gained over 23,000 followers.. How is that possible? I know the guys each have like 4 million or something like that, but none of their fans know me. They've never talked about me in the interviews they've done whil they're here and they haven't tweeted about me. I pulled up Erika's twitter and found that she still remained at 153 followers. Maybe my mentions might tell me something about this.

>Kiani's POV<

I approached Audrey's door with caution and knocked. Me and Erika had decided to stop pestering her but after she locked herself in her room until 10:30, I though it would be smart to check on her.

"Audrey.." I asked, knocking lightly on her door. "Are you okay?"

There was no answer so I cautiously opened the door. I stepped into the plain room that Erika and Audrey occupy and looke dover to Audrey who was at the desk in the corner. She was staring intently at her laptop screen with one brown brow raised, She didn't blink, just stared and scrolled. I watched her face turn from shock to confusion and then into an angry scowl.

"Are you okay?" I spoke up finally. She snapped her head to me, standing in the doorway. She looked almost hurt. Without a word she stood up and pushed passed me out the door. I followed her as she stomped into the living room with force and grabbed the keys off a side table.

"Where are you going?" Erika asked from the couch. Audrey didn't answer, just rushed out of the room and closed the door with such anger that it knocked down a picture fram in the hall. I looked at Erika who was now standing, just staring at the door. "What just happened?" She asked me. As an excuse for an answer, I turned and walked back towards the room that me and Audrey had just left. I walked over to the still open laptop with Erika on my heels. Twitter was open on Audrey's screen and at frist I didn't understand. She had it open to her mentions. I heard Erika gasp.

"What?" I asked.

"Read them." She nodded to the screen.

@1dlover34: @Audrey_Kane who the hell do you think you are bitch?! If you ever talk to Liam again, we will kill you! #directionersunite

@LovinLARRY: haha, I like how @Audrey_Kane thinks she's the shit and can do whatever she wants. Wow slut, reallY? Have you forgotten that you're dealing with Directioners???


"What's 'Payzer'?" I wondered aloud as Erika closed the computer.

"How should I know? What the hell just happened? Liam and Audrey have never even been seen together?" Erika replied with a confused look on her face. At the same moment both of our ringtones souded from our back pockets. I pulled mine out to see "Zaynieboo<3" on my screen.

"It's Harry." Erika said, pressing answer and wlaking out of the room. As I answerd my own phone.

"Hey, have you been on twitter?" I asked him, hoping Zayn would know something.

"Uhh.. yeah... Don't let Audrey online please!" Zayn begger. Uh oh..

"She.. umm.. already went on." I said. I heard a groan on the other line and distant voices.

"You see what you did Liam! You have to get yourself out of this one!" Zayn yelled to Liam.

"Can you explain what's going on?" I interrupted.

>Audrey's POV<

I wasn't even worried about avoiding Liam anymore as I stormed into the hotel lobby. Rushing to the elevator, all I thought about was that one tweet.

@Real_Liam_Payne: You're one of the most amazing girls I know, and it would kill me to lose you @Audrey_Kane

It felt like I was waiting in the elevator fo forever until it finally dinged at their floor. I was confused before, but now it's driving me insane. There's something everyone's not telling me. Why we're people all of a sudden sending so much hate? I know those girls claim to be Liam's wives or girlfriends, but could directioners really get that upset over a tweet. I knocked three times on the hotel door. I could here commotion inside and Liam yelling. I've never heard Liam yell at anyone before.. Why was he so upset? A couple second later, a brown haired blue eyed boy in a striped shirt and beanie opened up, but not enough to allow me in. As if he was conceiling something.

"Go home." Louis growled angrily to me. I stared at him dumbstruck.

"You're joking right? I don't know what the hell is happening? You all owe me an explantion." I said with authority in my voice.

"Just leav-" I cut him off as I forced my way through the tiny opening in the door. All the guys looked at me. Harry, Zayn, and Niall all stood awkwardly looking from me to Louis to Liam. Liam was pacing all around the room, not realizing I had walked in, with his phone prssed against his ear

"Just shut up!!! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!!" He yelled into the phone. I stared at him in shock, I had no idea what was going on.

"Audrey, leave." Harry pleaded with me. I glared at Louis, who was giving me the death stare and then focused back on Liam who still had no idea that I was in the room. Right as I was about to say something, he started talking again.

"Danielle, you completely took that the wrong way. She really doesn't mean that much to me. I love you so much!" Liam said more calmly. Everything all of a sudden clicked: Liam has a girlfriend. I felt tears coming as I felt the confusion and hurt hit me. Without a word, I turned and left. If you haven't noticed, that's how I take care of my problems, by just walking away. It's easier.

The tear rushed out of my eyes, the second I was out of the hotel room. For a second I stopped outside the room, and stared at the wall. Through it I heard Louis tell Liam to stay away from me, just like he had told me to stay away from him. More tears came streaming down my face as I tried to fight them. I walked out to the car and hopped in. I drove back to the apartment in complete silence and just let my thoughts wander. When I reached my destination, I whipped the tears and screwed up makeup off my face and got out. Slowly, I walked into the tall building and up the stairs to our floor. Outside the door, I took a deep breath and put on a brave face. When I stepped inside, I noticed both Kiani and Erika were in their rooms. I went to the end of the hall and into mine and Erika's room.

"Hey" She said, sympathetically when she saw me, "you okay?"

I smiled, "Yeah, I'm fine." I quickly pulled on my pajamas and hopped into bed, "Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight, Audrey." Erika answered as she turned the light off.

As the room was engulfed in darkness, I just hopped tomorrow this whole nightmare would be over.


You guys are INCREDIBLE! 150 reads :D ahh that made me soo happy!! Anyways, I'm sorry it took so long to get up,I had a stressful week :/ Can we all talk about Playback for a sec.. my new obsession(: Go check out my friends new fanfiction- Anomnomous <3 I LOVE YOU!!!

xx, Ashley

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