Ice Cream Time!!!

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I opened my eyes to the shining light coming in through the curtains. I rolled out of my comfy bed with a pounding in my head. I went next store to the bathroom and searched the cabinets until I found a bottle of tylenol and popped 2 in my mouth. I walked into my room and pulled on a pink Hollister hoodie and threw my hair up into a high ponytail. Grabbing my phone off the bed as I walked out I saw that it was 11:00. Erika and Kiani are still alseep, I can almost promise you. In the living room, sure enough Kiani and Erika were fast asleep. Kiani on the floor near a sleeping Zayn and Erika sprawled on the couch. Harry was in the chair next to her sleeping with his arms crossed over his chest.

I heard laughing coming from the kitchen so I went in to check it out. Niall and Liam were both laughing at something funny Louis had said. They were all sitting at the table eating cereal. Liam obviously using a fork, he had already explained to us his fear of spoons.

They all stopped laughing as I walked in and took a seat next to Louis. I mumbled a "Morning." and took out my phone again.

To Katy: hey..are you and Danny okay? How bad is it?

From Katy: Yeah, don't worry. we're all good. Danny has a bruise but it will heal soon.

My face fell. Danny had a bruise? Why was I not there to protect them? I felt someone behind me and turned to see Liam, again sneeking up on me. He motioned towards the hallway and walked away. I rolled my eyes but obediently followed. When we reached the door to my room and were out of earshot, Liam turned to me, "Let's go somewhere." I looked at him shocked and confused, I thought he would question me about last night. He laughed at my expression then continued, "You and me, let's just go have fun today." I couldn't help but smile at the thought of spending the day with Liam. It was comforting knowing that he cared but wasn't going to press me for infortmation.

"Okay. Where?" I asked, still smiling. Liam's face brightened.

"I don't know. Go get ready." He turned and walked back into the kitchen.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and a layer of powder foundation. I walked into my room and put on dark wash skinny jeans and a light blue tank top, I put on a couple bangles and a necklace and walked out of my room. I grabbed my purse from the hall closet and walked out into the living room where everyone was now awake. Liam came up next to me and put his arm around my waist. Everyone looked at us suspiciously. I looked up to Liam as he said, "We'll be back later." With that, we left.


"So where are we going?" I asked once we were settled in the front seat.

"Hmmmm.." Liam thought, "Have you had breakfast yet?"


"Where's the nearest ice cream place?" He asked. I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Well there's a good one a couple streets down." We drove there in silence. The only noise was me telling Liam the directions to the ice cream shop.

When we arrived, we got out of the car and walked in. The shop looked a little bit like an old fashioned diner. We walked up to the counter and ordered. Liam got a mint chocolate chip cone and I got a chocolate chip cookie dough cone. Liam paid and said, "Let's take this to go, we can eat at that park across the street." He said, pointing. I smiled and followed him out. As we walked, Liam suddenly stopped walking.

"Do I need to worry about paparazzi or fans?" He asked. I laughed, I had completely forgetten that I was with Liam Payne of One Direction.

"No, you shouldn't have to. This is kinda a secluded part of New York. We're decently far from the city. When we reached the park, I ran for a swing with Liam behind me. We both sat done and started swinging just a tiny bit while we licked at our ice cream.

"Liam Payne bought me ice cream for breakfast.." I teased him.

"Hey, it's 1:00!" He defended, I laughed.

"So how do you like New York so far?" I asked.

"Well I haven't been many places. This is like the first day we've had off."

"First day you have off and you're spending it with me? I am honored." I joked.

"I figured you needed to take your mind off something-" All of a sudden the ice cream didn't taste so good. "You don't have to tell me. But I'm always here if you need to talk."

I shook my head as I felt tears brim in my eyes, but I refuse to let them out. "Thanks, but I'll be fine."

I didn't really feel like eating the ice cream, so i kinda just watched it melt for a tiny bit while me and Liam talked about the recording he was doing here.

He stood up to go throw away his cone and put his hand out to me. He helped me stand up and we walked over to the garbage can. I checked the time and saw that it was already 3.. How did it get that late already.

"Harry just texted me and said that Kiani and Erika are at the hotel with them, they're gonna watch some films tonight. Do you wanna go too?" He asked. In my head I groaned.

"I don't really feel like socializing." We hopped into my car. Liam laughed at my explanation.

"Then what is this?" He asked me.

"It doesn't feel like I have to try when I'm talking to you so it doesn't really feel like socializing." I stated, but then realized how that sounded. Liam smiled and looked at me, then quickly turned his attention back to the road. "Oh god.. I didn't mean it like that, that sounded really cliche and like I was trying to flirt with you." I facepalmed myself. This was not helping.

Liam at least laughed at my awkwardness, "It's all good, babe." He said. "So how about, you and I can go catch a movie at the cinema?" He asked. I smiled, did Liam Payne just ask me out?

"Sure." I said. "What should we see?" I asked, taking out my phone to look up movie times. This is should be fun, I thought to myself as we drove home.

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