Finding Nemo

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>Liam's POV

"Seriously, this is my job! Why are you all of a sudden so unsupporitive of that?" I spoke harshly but quietly into the phone. Audrey was in her room getting ready for our little evening while I was waiting in the living room. I walked over to the big mirror by the door to fix my hair while Dani talked about how she "just missed me" and some other crap that I really didn't care about. Don't get me wrong, I love my girlfriend to death and I usually always listen to her but lately she just hasn't been her. She's been stressing me out even more than I usually am lately and I don't even know what to do about it. "Whatever Danielle. I don't care anymore." It's defanietly wrong to hang up on your girlfriend but I really didn't want Audrey to hear.

As if on que Audrey came out of her room wearing a black and white tank top with a leather jacket over and black leggings on. "You look nice."

"You don't look so bad yourself." She replied with a smile. "Let's go!"

When we got to the car, Audrey slipped into the front seat before I had a chance. I gave her a look and she stared at me innocently. Sighing, I got into the passenger seat knowing that it was her car.

"So what movie are we seeing?" I asked her. Obviously, I know that I'm supposed to be the one planning the "date", if that's what you want to call it, but Audrey loves bein in control, so I figured I'd let her. Plus, it makes it seem less like a date, which is good. I have Danielle..

I mentally groaned at that thought.

"You shall see." She smirked. I sighed and waited for us to arrive at the theater. Once we got inside, Audrey handed me my ticket. Finding Nemo 3D. I gave her a huge hug. I always thought it funny that the two most mature ones out of our group of friends, were both in love with Disney movies. Audrey laughed at my eagerness and we went and bought some snacks.

Once we were all settled in our seat with popcorn, the movie began. I turned the light down on my phone and texted Danielle for the entire first half. It was still just stupid and pointless fighting. I really felt bad for Audrey, I hope she doesn't feel like I'm blowing her off. Looking up at her, I saw her already looking at me with her incredible blue eyes. I whispered, "Sorry. It's important." and stood up. Practically running out of there I sat down on a bench outside the movie theater and called Danielle but only thought of Audrey and how sympathetic she had jsut looked, like she really cared how I felt.

>Audrey's POV

Something was defanietly up with Liam. I sighed and stood up to go find him. When I saw him sitting on the bench outside, he was just staring at the stars. His phone lay on the bench beside him. I sat down next to him and saw him look at me from the corner of his eye. I turned to see a tear in the very corner of his beautiful brown eye, dangerously close to falling. Brushing it away, I stared at him for a second. "Do you really like her?"

He looked taken aback by my question and started to ask me how I knew he was talking to a girl.

"I'm not dumb and I may have stolen a glance at your phone once during that movie." I was half expecting him to be mad at me but instead he looked worried.

"What did you see?" He asked, as if it was top secret information. I scrunched up my eyebrows and looked at him confused. Did it matter what I saw?

"Uh.. I just a picture of some random girl kissing some guy." I answered. He looked so hurt. It broke my heart to see him turn back to looking at the sky and I'm pretty sure I saw a tear or two. He finally answered my first question, but not with what I was expecting.

"I'm in love with her." I stared at him in shock.

"Wanna know something?" I began, he finally looked at me and nodded his head. "Love doesn't exsist. It's not a feeling. It's an idea. People use it as an excuse to do stupid things and a lot like society, it's a way for us to destroy ourselves." He looked at me for a second with an unreadable expression. I just sat there and let his amazing eyes take over me. A lttle too late, I realized how close his face was to mine and within a second, his lips were on mine. It was a short and sweet kiss. Every though that was going through my head was erased and all I though was how soft his lips were on mine. Liam pulled away abruptly ending the kiss. He shook his head and stood, grabbing his phone.

"I'll call a cab." He mumbled and left. I stared after him in shock, but not bothering to chase after him.

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