New Home

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"I actually want to become a parent I don't what you are you want me as your father?" He asked as Indra looked at him and smiled "Yeah, I do" He said as Siegfried felt relief as his search was finally over.


They all arrived at Siegfried's home that can pass as a mansion as they stepped out the black limo as Indra was in awe looking at the concrete platform that held designed bushes cut to perfection of Humanoid DragonKin.

There was even huge ponds on both sides that held all types of fish and once they got to the stairs the doors opened as maids and butlers on both sides of the doors waited for us.

"We've awaited your return Master Siegfried and Sir Cain!" They said in unison as Indra became in more awe as he watched Cain step in front of them as he realized that he was dressed a lot like them.

"What happened to the new staff?" He asked as two people stepped up a man and a woman as they held a black cloth around their arms the woman on her right and the man his left as there was a Red and Gold Dragon scale pattern on the cloth they wore.

The man was light toned and stood at at least six foot five feet tall as his dark blue hair hung to the right as the left side of his head was cut, his black empty eyes not really showing too much emotion.

The woman seemed to be almost pale but her cheeks is a rosy red with curly blonde and red hair as her eyes are a beautiful emerald and full of life as she stood at Five feet.

"They are on there way from their tasks sir we've notified them beforehand" The man spoke as he bowed slightly to Cain as he then pointed to Indra "This boy is the son of Master Siegfried, if you remember our conversation well the two of you will make sure his needs are taken care of" He said while Indra was slightly confused at how he stressed out needs as they nodded.

As if on cue a girl had came around the corner as she has blonde and blue hair as her eyes were emerald like the woman and the another similarity they had was there chest size as Indra stared at her.

'Wow' Was all he could he say to himself as she stopped beside who could possibly be her mother 'Well for a woman she doesn't look all bad but there's no way in hell I am having a maid' Indra said as he vanished without anyone noticing.

"You will be assigned Master Siegfried's Son and you will cater to his every need no matter how big or small" She nodded quickly as she started to bow "I will, sir, without fail" She said as Cain smiled slightly.

"Now come here boy and meet your..." Cain and everyone turned to look at where he stood as he was gone while they all stood speechless "Maid" Cain finished as he face palmed and groaned as he was now annoyed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Someone go find him before I lose my damn mind" Cain said as everyone immediately started to search the area as the girl headed back to where she was 'Gone from sight already? He already seems like a handful, nothing comes easy around here' She grumbled to herself as she found herself walking down a hallway and found herself running into her mother.

"Why do I have to look for spoiled brat when I could be doing what I wanna do?" She said as her mother chuckled "Because you're assigned to him and this task is very important especially since this is the child of Master Siegfried" She said as they walked together up the hall.

"I know but why couldn't one of you be assigned to him? Why give us so much responsibility? We're inexperienced" She said as she was starting to look stressed.

"INTRUDER!" Was all they heard as they started running and once they got downstairs they seen a boy shirtless but in pants as he looked like one of those beginner mercenary guys off the street.

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