How are we gonna do this?

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Now arriving at the door, Leon knew he had to discuss with the other sergeants about the plans on what they were going to do once we travelled through the teleporter and potentially going to go fight with the impure race, which also mean he was gonna fight with a bunch of kids who's never experienced war and their lives was in his hands.

Once he stepped inside he saw four small couches surrounding a small table at the center of the room while there was two tv's mounted on both sides of the walls as well, while a counter top moved along the walls into a U-Shape as a microwave, a coffee maker and other items was on top of the counter as it looked like a regular break room.

The first sergeant to notice him was a man everyone knew had a temper as his hair was black with light blue tips "I wasn't expecting you to actually show up Leon." Sergeant Asher said as Leon had sighed and sat down in one of the chairs "I need to know what we plan to do about going through the teleporters? If we go through with those kids we could be endangering them."

"This is the military Leon," a man said as he had dark brown hair and brown eyes as he started to drink the coffee from his cup "This is what they signed up for, if they knew or felt like they couldn't handle danger then they shouldn't have came." The sergeant said as sergeant Asher nodded his head agreeingly and after that comment behind him came in two auras and one of them he recognized all too well.

"But not all those kids chose to sign up, lets not forget some of them were drafted here because of the Impure's threats." A soft voice said as Leon glanced over as she rubbed his shoulder with her hand before sitting down "How are you Leon?" A womanly voice said as he gave her a slow nod "I am fine, Carissa, Thank you for asking." He said while watching the other aura sit on the other side of him "I had broadcasted your speech into my classroom during class earlier, I hope you didn't mind." The mage instructor Stella said as Leon shook his head no to her as she sat down as a chair appeared under her.

Carissa had bright Cherry red hair and pink eyes as she was five foot three, but to Leon she was a ocean of calm and a breeze of relaxation which made her all the more dangerous "Just because they were drafted doesn't make much of a difference either, you can't expect to just receive schooling and housing when the military is about war and anybody that joins the military for those things and think they can escape war is dumb as shit." Sergeant Asher said while Leon shook his head slowly.

"I doubt anyone expects to escape war but the expectation you have for them is too high, they have no experience and only the training and knowledge we're giving them and if we want them to be better we can't wait for until it's time for war with the Impure." Leon said as everyone gave each other a confused look "Then what do you think we need to do Leon?" Carissa asked as he silent only for a moment "We have to take them to those planets ourselves and have them fight up against the wildlife and any creatures we see there until we know who and what our opponents are on the battlefield." Leon said as they all nodded agreeingly.

"But would the higher ups go for that? What do you think about it Simon?" Sergeant Asher asked as he blew out a puff of air "They would have to, if they want our new recruits to fight in wars or hold down any landmarks they need experiences like the one Leon is offering, I don't see a reason for them to say no." Simon said as Leon nodded "Then I assume you're gonna handle speaking to them?" Leon asked as Simon nodded "I will, I already have to make a report to them anyways." Simon finished saying as he stood up and started heading out the room as Asher and Stella followed him out.

"You think we can handle these recruits on a different planet?" Carissa asked as Leon looked her way "We will have to if we want to win what I think is a upcoming war." He said as she saw the two files he had with him "Is everything alright? It's unlike you to be looking at files on someone." She said as he gave a low hum.

"Yeah, it's just some students from my class, they kinda interested me so I had my watch read out what's in their files to me." Leon said as nodded slowly "Well let's hope that whatever they did to impress you that they continue to do so "Carissa said as she began heading out the room 'Except...they didn't impress me, they worry me.' Leon thought inwardly as he himself started to do the same thing.

As they walked the halls together Leon had let Carissa hold onto his arm as they walked side by side "You know, if the students see this they'll get the wrong idea." Leon said as he heard her chuckle "I don't care about what the students think, we know what we are to each other and as long as I'm not doing this with a recruit it's none of their business how we walk around together." She said as Leon couldn't help but smile at what she said.

She was peaceful and a wonderful woman to be around, he could only wonder what made a woman like herself join the military of all places, she sounded like a beautiful woman and the air around her was gentle so why not do something different other than mentally scar yourself with military trauma.

One thing Leon was certain of was that he was gonna keep a close eye on both Jason and Samuel, maybe even when they aren't in his class 'Maybe I should have a talk with the both of them.' Leon thought inwardly as he continued his walk with Carissa.

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